Chapter Sixteen: A Knight for a Prince

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Lord Jun San-Heoli stood on a raised platform, taking advantage of the commanding view of Castle Hwipalam's great hall. On his left sat Lady Jun, draped in robes equally beautiful and simple. To his left stood Lord Chaka of Ngun-Mwar, his legendary spear in its ceremonial place at his side. The three smiled down upon the gathered nobles and retainers as the drums and string music of the wedding procession reached its crescendo. The two rulers smiled at one another and clasped hands.

Kkachi glanced up at them and shook his head. The instant pain made him see stars.

"Does it still hurt?" Jelani whispered from his side.

"Only when I turn my head or look at a light or breathe too deeply."

The princess chuckled. "You're being a baby."

"Don't judge me. Allow me my misery."

The Priest of The Throne cleared his voice and clapped four times in remembrance of The Four Winds. The hall fell silent.

"Under the everpresent gaze of The Creator, we gather to join these scions of two great lands. Switang and Ngun-Mwar. The issue of this union will be the blood of both ruling lines and heir to their duties. Before us all they will speak vows of fealty to The High Throne, to our King, to their families, and to one another."

Kkachi breathed a sigh of resignation and looked down at his stone hand. He could still only remember pieces of what happened at The Labyrinth, but even those fragments made him shudder. He vaguely remembered goblin corpses attacking the living. His next clear memory was waking up in the back of a wagon, his entire right side a nerveless hunk of stone.

Recovery had been a slow thing. Jelani slid her fingers into his cold hard hand.

"Is there anyone present who would speak against this joining, anyone who believes The Creator will not be pleased?" The priest scanned the assemblage, ensuring he missed no one.

Kkachi looked up at his parents, at Jelani's father. They looked so proud and sure. Her mother stood to the side waiting for her part in the ceremony.

"Are we doing the right thing?" he asked Jelani.

"Are you having a change of heart?"

"No." He enclosed her hand with his left, enjoying the feel of her warmth.

"Good." She bumped him with her shoulder and they both chuckled.

The priest cleared his throat and scandalized eyes turned their way. Kkachi winced apologetically. Hanni and Durumi, shook their heads. From the back of the hall, Rocio and the brothers, Goda and Ryo, waved.

"Then let us raise our voices in praise..."

The priest droned on, leading the assembled in prayer then going through the rites that would join the two betrothed in spirit as well as name. When he was done, Jun Durumi and T'Run, son of Chaka, became one under the rule of The High King. All present rejoiced. None as enthusiastic as their brother and sister, Kkachi and Jelani. He couldn't help himself, despite his throbbing head.

Jelani took his hand and pulled him into the procession of wellwishers, greeting the new couple. Kkachi squeezed his eyes shut and trusted her to guide him. His thoughts went to Coco's stories of The High King's Throne room and those three hundred who gave themselves over to the stone curse in the name of The King on High. He'd almost done the same to destroy King Rain's blood altar. The pounding in his head was a constant reminder of how close he'd come.

"Does your head still hurt, brother?" Durumi's voice fell upon his ears like a soothing rain.

"I'll be fine," he groaned. Opening his eyes, he smiled. "Today is your day, put me out of your thoughts."

He hugged his sister then, after a moment's hesitation, hugged Prince T'Run. He was handsome like his sister and Lord Father, but was a few inches taller than Kkachi. Quick to smile, it was easy to forget his broad chest and massive shoulders. By all accounts, Prince T'Run was nearly as good a swordsman as Jelani.

"You two make a striking pair, brother."

"As do you, Jelani. You complete one another." T'Run offered Durumi his hand.

Jelani rolled her eyes. Kkachi smirked.

"Congratulations. May The Creator bless your union."

"He has already," Durumi responded.

During the following celebration, Kkachi and Jelani sat with their fellow Kissing Herons. They laughed and drank and spoke of Taeyang and Candle-Eyes. The former with joy at the peculiar life he lived and the many broken hearts he'd left in his wake. The latter with grim respect. Candle-Eyes was not the new Goblin King, but he was one of ten with a valid claim. His followers believed the events within The Labyrinth was a sign of The Feral Gods' support, but there were many who believed he was a pawn of The Winds. In the Goblin South, just as in the north, civil war was brewing.

"Can I speak with the two of you, in private?" Lady Jun asked.

Everyone stood and bowed. The pair promised their companions that they'd return, then followed the noble woman to Lord Jun's private eating chamber. Once there she bid them sit.

"Are you sure the two of you are content with your current course?" she asked, sitting heavily into her own chair.

"Yes, Lord Mother. We've thought this through."

"Yes, Lady. We have," Jelani concurred.

"Why? I don't understand. You both love one another. Deny it if you wish, but all who know you have seen the signs. You could marry tonight and not only pledge your love, but strengthen our alliance even further."

"All I've ever wanted to do was explore the realm, paint, and compose."

"All I've ever wanted was to live my own epic, like the warrior poets before me."

"This way, we can live our dreams outside of politics and obligation. As adventurers, we can fly free."

"But I will worry, my son... I'm already worried."

"I will be protected. My knight will ensure nothing happens to me."

Jelani nodded solemnly. "I will guard him as if he were the most important thing in the world, Lady."

Lady Jun wiped a tear from her eye. "Call me mother, silly girl."

The End

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