Welcome to the underground

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It's a beautiful day outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, on days like this, kids like you... should be getting some much needed sunlight! Which is exactly what M was doing on his backpacking trip on Mount Ebott, some may have called it dumb, as many who climb the mountain never return, but he didn't really care because he was usually very cautious when backpacking or camping anyways.

On day one he had hiked to the campground and set up his hammock and rainfly, day two he took a short hike a little up the mountain, today, being the third day, no more no less, he wanted to climb to the top; so he packed up camp and made the trip. Making sure to not sprain or break anything on the dicy parts of the trail and having plenty of water, he eventually made it to the top, and what he saw he never expected, it was a large pit with no visible bottom.
*This must be where all those missing people disappeared to.* he thought to himself. The pit had a strange aura around it, as if it was calling him to get closer, but he knew better, a fall like that would certainly kill him, although he could not deny his curiosity and took a step towards it, and another, and another, until he was three feet away from the entrance of the hole.
What was even stranger was that he felt like some unnatural force was attempting to push him in, and, for one reason or another, though what happened may never be known for certain, he found himself falling in the pit.

For what felt like hours, but was likely no longer than a minute, he was falling, it'd be stupid for him to deny that he was scared, but he knew there wasn't anything he could do to stop his demise, so decided to just accept his fate.

But it never came.

Instead of dying, or at the very least shattering every bone in his body, he found himself lying on an unusually soft bed of flowers.
"What the..?" He said to himself sitting up, he processed what had happened and then checked himself for any damage, the worst of it was a bruise on his knee, which would make waking a little more difficult but not too bad all things considered.
After his self evaluation, he looked at his surroundings and saw an entrance to an empty room. This confused him somewhat, was there a civilization underground at some point? He couldn't remember ever hearing about it, until he remembered in 6th grade history, when he was taught about the war between Humans and Monsters starting on October 31, 1256 and ending on February 5, 1258, which ended in Human victory and the Monsters being sealed underground with a magic barrier.
*A completely avoidable war with unnecessary death and outcome all because of fear.* M recollected to himself, he didn't like hearing about these things, but he knew it was part of life, people fear what they don't understand, and often times it leads to unnecessary violence and suffering.

Seeing as it was the only way he could go, he decided to walk through the entrance, and he was greeted with an empty room that had a patch of grass and light shining on it, it also had another entrance identical to the one before it. And not long after walking in, someone walked in.
"Hello, my child." Said the stranger, her voice was smooth, and had the same tone as a caring mother, her voice alone would be able to calm the most anxious and stressed person with a few words, it was beautiful, to put it simply.
"Who are you?" M asked the lady, who resembled a bipedal goat. "I am Toriel, keeper of the ruins and guide to the lost" Toriel responded, her voice smoother than silk.
"Is that where I am? The ruins?" M followed up.
"Why yes, my child, I come here every day to see if anyone else has fallen, you are the first to arrive in a long time," Toriel further explained, "Come with me please, you'll need somewhere to stay while down here." She finished.
M wasn't sure if he trusted her quite yet, but he didn't have much of a choice, so he followed her into a room, which was very purple, though it had rose petals in between two staircases, he followed her to another room with 6 large grey buttons on the floor to the right of the room, two of which were in the middle of the other four and on a marked path.
"The Ruins are full of puzzles. Ancient fusions between diversions and doorkeys." Toriel said, "They must be solved in order to move from room to room," she continued, "Allow me to demonstrate." She finished, walking on the four buttons not in the path then flipping a lever, opening the door to the next room. "We are free to proceed now, follow me, my child, there are more puzzles ahead." She stated.
M followed her into another room, this one with a dummy. "Due to you being a Human, Monsters may try to attack you." Toriel said.
"That sounds racially motivated." M replied.
"That's because it is" Toriel responded.
"Anyways, instead of fighting, try talking to them, practice with this dummy." Said Toriel.
"Uhhh, how do I have a conversation with something that cannot respond?" M asked.
"Just pretend." Toriel responded.
"Ok then." M said to her before turning to the dummy, "So... how have you been? Ah, I see, well, you uh, have a good day." M said awkwardly, and feeling weird about this "conversation"
"Very good!" Exclaimed Toriel, clapping, "Most of the others usually chose to fight it."
"Well, uh, thanks?" M said, still feeling awkward.
"Come with me, please." Toriel said, walking into the next room. M started following her, but before he could get far, he fell through the floor.
"Oh no! Hang on, my child, I will get a rope for you!" Toriel exclaimed, but M couldn't really hear what she said, as he wasn't paying attention.

M was in shock, and thus stunned for a little bit, eventually he was able to regain his composure, and he looked around, seeing not much, but deciding to press on without assistance. Really, there wasn't much worth mentioning besides a few encounters with Monsters which went fine, he managed to not harm any of them.

After exploring for a bit, on the other side of a cavern, there was a Monster in a robe, talking to himself, almost as if he were preparing to have a conversation with someone, and as M was standing there watching him, the Monster turned around.
"Oh, uh, I must be imagining things" said the robed Monster, walking away.
M tried to find a pathway over, but couldn't, so he looked in his bag for anything that could help, unfortunately there wasn't anything, he'd need to find a plank or something to make a bride, or so he thought.
*That wall looks fishy.* M thought to himself, he pushed on it, and sure enough it was just a blanket with a brick pattern painted on it, on the other side of the blanket was a tunnel, presumably to the other side, so he walked in, and found himself in a maze, which would have sucked if he didn't know staying to the right could usually yield success, and so he stayed to the right until he found the exit, which led to a strange room, it was full of crates of corn, including a dog shaped corn, which he took with no plans to eat it. And with that, he continued on, encountering the robed Monster twice more before reaching what appeared to be the way to the robed Monster's home. The Monster turned around and took off his hood before speaking.
"Why are you following me?" The Monster asked.
"Because you look like you know the way out of here" M replied. The Monster paused for a moment before speaking, "I do, but it's through my home... I don't want you to go through there, I want to be left alone." He said.
M replied, saying "You must be very lonely down here with nothing but a bunch of corn."
The Monster paused again before finally saying "I am, but I like it that way... I think... I haven't had company in so long I can't even remember what it's like..."
"Well, you sir, may need a friend." M said. And the Monster replied with "That'd be nice," and then realized something, and he voiced his realization, "You don't even know my name, it's Dalv." He stated.
"Well, my name's M." relayed M, reaching out a hand to shake.
"M... I like that." Dalv said, and shaking M's hand before asking "Would you still like to exit the Ruins?"
M nodded, and said "I'll make sure to visit though."
"I'd like that." Replied Dalv, "come with me."
And M followed him to his home, which was fairly cozy. Dalv took him to the exit, which was boarded up.
"Oh yeah, it's barricaded, hang on." Dalv said before pulling off the planks bare-handed. "There ya go." He said.
"Thanks." Responded M, and with that, he walked out of the Ruins and into Snowdin.


...How the heck is this thing I was writing for gits and shiggles better than literally everything else I've written?!

Fricken, whatever, I hope ya enjoyed this chapter, see ya in the next one.

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