One Call Away

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Tossing from side to side in an attempt to fall asleep, yet the young girl hasn't been able to find inner peace for the past 2 hours. The heavy feeling of missing something envelopes her mind, but she can't figure out what it is.

Usually, if Chiquita has a problem, she can go to Haram for help, but now she's in her home country, Thailand, after their boss gave them an one month break. Yet even with her parents and brother by her side, she feels empty.

Suddenly, the answer shoots into Chiquita's mind: her members, she misses them, or more specifically, Ahyeon. It's only been 2 days since they waved her off at the dorm.

Currently, the only thing Chiquita can think about is calling Ahyeon. She doesn't think about what possible time it could be in Korea. She just wants to hear her voice.

She opens her phone and quickly scrolls through her contacts in order to find Ahyeon. It didn't take long, as Ahyeon is obviously on top of the list. She dialled her number 4 times, but there was no reaction. It made her sad. She tried again, the 5th time and... Ahyeon accepted! She let out a relieved sigh.

"Oh~" Who is it?~? " Chiquita heard the older say with her raspy voice. She could only see darkness and nothing more. She really must've been awoken by Chiquita call just now.

"Unnie! It's me!" Chiquita screeched in happiness. Ahyeon turned on a light and faced the camera to herself. Chqiuita could now see Ahyeon's barely open eyes facing the camera with a slight smile.

"Oh, Canny, you woke me up." Ahyeon giggled. "Oh, my bad! Im so sorry!" Chiquita panicked, saying endless sorry's. It made Ahyeon laugh.

"Chiquita, why are you so cute! It's okay, really. I'm not mad or all. You can call me at any time of the day, and I won't mind. I'm just happy you called me so excitedly that you forgot about if it's even the right timing!" Ahyeon said while tilting her head on the wall and looking adoringly at the screen.

"Well, I'm grateful for that." Chiquita said, now feeling better. "But..." Ahyeon trailed off. "But what..?" Chiquita asked. "You called me for a reason, didn't you? Is there anything I can help with?"

"Oh, right! It's really nothing though, well, I mean, it's just that I miss you all and I'm having trouble sleeping because of it..." Chiquita said sadly. "Cheer up, baby. You're now with your family. Spent the break with them. You haven't seen them in months!" Ahyeon cheered her on. Now that her roommate, Chiquita, isn't here, she can talk without being too quiet.

"And honestly speaking, we girls miss you too! Besides that, it's much less peaceful and quiet here now, and unfortunately, because now that Ruka is also in Japan visiting her family, has Asa, Haram, and Rora been bickering non-stop!" Ahyeon said while rolling her eyes, but still smiling at the thought of her chaotic members.

"I guess it's a good thing then that I'm here in Thailand!" She burst out laughing. "Yeah, I want to switch places! I do be kinda lonely here because you're not sleeping under me." The elder admitted.

"Yeah, sorry bout that! Can't you ask one of the other members to sleep with you?" She asked. "Oh hell no! I want my sleep, that's why I chose you in the first place!" Ahyeon quickly confessed, disliking the idea of a new temporary roommate. "Besides, do you want one of those to sleep in your bed? They are stinky!" Ahyeon said while pinching her nose.

"No, you're right, I wouldn't w-" Before Chiquita was able to finish, she got cut off by loud sounds from the other line. At first, it was unintelligible, but it became clearer by the second.

Her fellow members, Pharita, Asa, Haram, and Rora, who just entered the room. "Girls, why are you all awake?" Ahyeon asked, shocked. "Well, you were laughing so loud we all woke up! So we decided to check it out, and you're calling someone." Haram said.

"Who is it! Is it your girlfriend?" Asa said while hugging Rora from the side. Chiquita, on the other side of the line, was blushing by Asa question. "What?! No way! Absolutely not!" Ahyeon answered Asa. "Then who!" Asa pouted.

"It's just Chiquita." Ahyeon admitted, Chiquita felt sad after Ahyeon said it was just her. "Canny!" Pharita shouted, earning a scolding from Haram. In a matter of seconds, Ahyeon's phone was snatched from her hands, and Pharita came in sight with a bright smile. Soon after, the other 3 also showed up onto the camera.

"Baby~!" Asa said while giving the camera a kiss. "Hi, unnies! How are you?" Chiquita asked happily. "Good, but Rora's been a total idiot!" Pharita said, and soon after, the camera shaked violently.

Haram came in view and switched the camera to its front so Chiquita could now see Pharita and Rora wrestling while Ahyeon was dangling from her bed trying to get down without stepping onto the 2 members on the floor.

"Wow, now I'm kinda sad, I won't be seeing Pharita and Rora fight in real life!" Chiquita exlaimed while laughed louder than ever. "Chiquita! Quiet it down, please!" The members could hear Chiquita getting scolded in Thai from over the line. Whilst they didn't know exactly what was said, they couldn't contain their laughter anymore and were laughing just as hard as Chiquita was.

The members called the whole night with bickering and wrestling (mostly Pharita and Rora), but still having lots of fun. They don't need to be with each other in close range. They just need to be able to communicate in any kind of way, and they'll be having the best time of their life.

"Wait, we forgot about Ruka."

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