The Power and the Passion: Babymonster's Final Farewell Pt. III

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The members make their way across the broken and destroyed battlefield, their senses in high alert. They pass by the aftermath of many fierce battles, bodies lying motionless and broken. They see fire-damaged trees and craters in the ground where explosive blasts have gone off. Ass they walk, they hear the occasional scream or the sound ot a distant explosion. They know they're moving closer to the source of the fighting, and they can feel tension building in the air. What will they find?

As the girls continue their search, they start to notice something different about the surrounding area. The destruction is more recent, and there's a dark energy in the air that sends shivers down their spines. They can hear the sound of footsteps and voucd up ahead, and they know they're getting closer to the source of the conflict. They exchange worried looks, knowing that they need to be prepared for anything that lays ahead. But what awaits them at the end of their journey?

As the members approach the source of the voices and footsteps, they start to see signs of a fierce battle: craters in the ground, shattered weapons, and the bodies of fallen enemies. They know they're getting closer to the truth now, and they can feel their hearts pounding in their chests. Suddenly, they hear a voice they recognise: It's Zara, jeering and taunting someone. The girls exchange a look, realising they've finally found their targets.

They steel themselves for the confrontation ahead. They quietly approach where Zara is speaking, trying to catch glimpses of what's going on without being seen. As they edge closer, they see Zara standing over something on the ground, her blade glinting in the light for a nearby fire. They can hear Zara taunting whoever she's talking to, but they also know that they need to be strategic about their attack.

As they approach Zara, they catch a glimpse of her standing over someone on the ground. However, they soon realise that it's not Chiquita. Babymonster stops Zara. "Where's Chiquita!" Haram says in anger as she grips Zara by her clothes. Zara just laughs and coldly says, "It's too late already," which sends Ahyeon into a rage.

She launches at Zara, screaming, and stays her multiple times until Ruka pulls her away. Ahyeon is completely covered in Zara's blood. Zara is now laying motionless on the cold ground. The members watch in shock and horror because of Ahyeon's sudden action.

The girls try to process what just happened. They're in absolute shock and shaken by the intensity of Ahyeon's attack and the sight of Zara's bloody body lying motionless on the ground. They wonder what drove Ahyeon to such a violent outburst and what Zara could have meant when she said, "It's too late already." The atmosphere is heavy with tension and uncertainty as they try to make sense of the situation.

They slowly regain composure, realisation, and determination, washing over them as they remember their mission. Searching for Chiquita is their top priority now, and they can't afford to waste any more time. They glance at each other, exchanging steely looks, and set off in a frenzy, scouring the placing for any sing of their youngest.

The members move through the building like a well-oiled machine, their trained eyes spotting every nuance of their surroundings. They communicate silently, each pair scanning a different t corridor or room, their focus unwavering as they search room after they progress deeper into the maze-like-structure, their sense of urgency grows. Time is running out, and they know they need to find Chiquita as soon as possible.

Finally, after what feels like forever, a voice calls out from one of the rooms, "Over here!" The voice of Pharita echo's through the run-down building. The others rush towards Pharita, their hearts pounding in their chests. They turn a corner and see a room with Chiquita pinned to the wall with Zara's blade. Her body is limp, and her yes are closed, but the girls can see her chest faintly moving, indicating that she's still somehow hanging on.

The members freeze in shock and disbelief at the sight of their youngest hanging on to life by a thread. They rush towards her and carefully lift her off the wall, their eyes filling with tears as they hold her limp body in their arms. They gently lay her on the ground and start examining her wounds, their hearts heavy with worry and grief. Meanwhile, Chiquita's eyes fluttered open.

Chiquita groaned in pain as she gradually regained consciousness, her eyes flickering open and closing as she tried to focus on her surroundings. The girls gasped in relief as they saw her awake, their worry turning into hope as they realised that she was still alive. They quickly set to work, bandaging her wounds and doing whatever they could to keep her stable. Chiquita weakly lifted her hand, reaching out towards Ahyeon, who grasped it tightly, tears streaming down their faces.

Chiquita's eyes widened as she fought to speak through the pain. "Take my legacy with you. I love you, Ahyeon," she whispered, her voice hoarse and strained. The members looked at each other, sadness and disbelief washing over them as they realised what she was saying. Ahyeon tries to choke out a response, her voice failing her as tears stream down her cheeks. "I... I..." she choked out, her words catching in her throat. But it was too late. Chiquitas hand fell limly to the side, her eyes closing one last time.

A silence fell over the room as the girls stared in disbelief at Chiquita's lifeless form. Tears streamed down their faces as they mourned the loss of the youngest. But depe down, they knew that Chiquita's legacy lived on through them and would never be forgotten. With new determination, the members vowed to honour her memory and carry on her dream for the future of BabyWmonster, fighting together for what Chiquita believed in.

Babymonster and the other close friends and family of Chiquita gather at a beautiful lakeside location for her funeral. The peaceful atmosphere of the setting and the gentle sound of the water lapping against the shore provide a fitting backdrop for the sombre event. Sitting under a white canopy, the attendees sit in rows of white chairs, their faces wtig grief and disbelief as they remember their friend. A family member steps up to the front, tears streaming down their face as they share memories and stories of Chiquita's life.

The family member's voice trembles as they speak, the pain and loss clear in their eyes. They reminisce about Chiquita's contagious laughter and the joy she brought those around her. They talk about her passion for music and her dedication to her fellow members. As the family member speaks, the girls listen in silence, their hearts heavy with grief. Some of them are unable to hold back their tears, while others maintain a stoic exterior, but their eyes betray their emotions

As the family member finishes their speech, someone else steps up to share their memories. This time, it's Babymonster's leader, Ruka, who speaks. Before starting to share her story about Chiquita, she chokes back tears. "Chiquita was more than just our youngest. She was our sister. She was always there for us, no matter what. She believed in us and inspired us to be the best that we could be. I'll never forget the countless hours we spent together, practicunt and perfecting our skills, dreaming of our future together. I remember during one late night, we were talking and sharing our dreams together, and she told me that she wanted to be a mom one day. Chiquita, we'll miss you more than words can describe. Rest in peace, our sister and our princess.

As Ruka finishes, complete silence falls over the crowd. The officiant gives everyone a minute to reminisce the young girl before he steps up to the front to lead the crowd in a final tribute to Chiquita. They call on those who feel comfortable sharing their final memories and goodbyes. One by one, those people step up to the microphone if they wish to share a few words.

As the crowd share their final memories and goodbyes, the atmosphere becomes increasingly emotional. Some people are unable to hold back their tears, sobbing openly as they say their farewells. Others speak bravely, sharing stories and moments that bring laughter to the crowd, even during the tears. Despite the sadness of the occasion, there is a sense of unity and love among those who came. They all share a bond in their love for Chiquita and their memories of her, and they find comfort in their coming together to honour her legacy.

After everyone finishes, the officiant scloses the ceremony with a few final words. They offer words of hope and healing, reminding the attendees that Chiquitas spirit lives on in their memories and in the impact she had on their lives. They encourage Babymonster to keep Chiquita's dream alive and to honour her legacy by continuing to pursue their passions and dreams. Finally, they otter one last moment of silence in honour of Chiquita before concluding the service.

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