Chapter Nine

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Merrill awoke with a start. Where was she? What was she doing?

Her eyes roamed the ceiling. Bumpy. White. Brown patches. What?

She looked to her left. An open door. A toilet.

She looked to her right. Closed curtains. A small table. Nothing was white or gold. The only thing shining was...

What was that shining thing?

Merrill sat up. She groaned. She had never made that sound in her existence.

Was that...was that a twinge in her back?

Angels didn't get twinges in their backs, or anywhere in their bodies.

Why did the pamphlet not have -

The pamphlet!

That was the shining thing. The only bright spot in the whole room. It was lying on the little table next to the bed.

She reached for it -


Were all human beds this terrible? Did all humans wake up with an ache in their backs?

She fluffed - or tried to fluff - the pillows behind her.

The fluffed pillows didn't help her aching back. But it was slightly better sitting back against them than sitting against nothing.

She opened the pamphlet.

Part One: The Subtle Art of Blending In

She began reading.

Being an angel on earth means that you will be given a human - a mortal - body. This mortal body will join with your angelic body and become one. While this body can be killed, it cannot become sick. Praise be to God for His healing mercies.

The point of being given a human body is to blend in. Humans need to think that you are just another member of their worldly society. You are to observe them. But beware, lest they tempt you into darkness with their foolish and sinful ways.

Merrill stopped reading. This wasn't telling her how to use her miracles to help her...what was it called again?

She glanced at the pamphlet.

Ah, yes. Blend in.

This wasn't helping her blend in.

Maybe there were answers in the next section.

Part Two: Remain Separate from Sin

"I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. 'I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from evil.'" John 17:11, 14-15

You are to blend in, but not too much. Remember that The Chosen One ate with sinners. But it was only because it was an opportunity to tell him of the good news of His grace. Which they so desperately needed.

Be in the world, but not of it. Watch yourself. Be a beacon of light. Shine brightly. Let the whole world see your goodness so they may give glory to The Almighty!

Merrill turned the page.

This wasn't really helping her either. But she probably shouldn't think that. She was an angel, and angels lived to serve their Lord.

It was, well, it was just that she already knew all of these things. She'd learned them in angel school. And they were preached every week to the angels. It was the one time all angels in heaven gathered together in one place.

They were meant to be worshipping and honoring God. He'd never been there, like, physically, but He hadn't needed to be. They gave all glory to Him anyways.

Part Three: How to Remain Separate from Sin while Convincing a Demon they need to Repent

"For all hath sinned, and come short of the glory of God; being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." Romans 3:23-24

Now that the Lamb of God has made the ultimate sacrifice, humans no longer have to suffer in their filthy sin. But, alas, a new era has dawned. A new era in which demons - yes, that's right, the very fallen ones of heaven - can partake of this miraculous gift of mercy.

Just remember, angel, that you are to be near these demons in order to tell them (conviction speech in part five), but you are not be like them.

Watch yourselves. For the devil prowls around like a hungry beast, looking for those whom he can devour.

At this point, Merrill was feeling the very first stirrings of frustration. For an angel like Merrill, that was a very confusing emotion to have. She needed answers.

Part Four: How to Convince - Uh, Convict - a Demon of their Chosen Path of Destruction

Showing a fallen one the error of their ways shouldn't be hard. They are full of darkness, sorrow, and vile cravings. They have no light or goodness anywhere around them. They are evil. They have been separated from the glory of the Most High.

They will be begging you to take them back to heaven.

Rocket certainly hadn't begged. They had been very adamant about not returning to heaven.

Part five, she didn't need to read right now. She would save that for when she saw Rocket again.

Merrill had never let anything bring her down. And, today, she decided would not be the start.

Merrill had a mission. Her mission was to bring Rocket back to heaven with her. She just had to first find the fallen one.

Last night hadn't been hard because the portal had landed her very close to where Rocket had been.

Now though? Well, earth was a big place and a demon like Rocket could be anywhere.

She remembered what they looked like. Dark brown hair, that came to the backs of their shoulders. Brown eyes like Merrill's, but lighter. They were taller than Merrill too...quite a bit taller.

They had been wearing all black. Which hadn't been a surprise because, well, demon and all that.

Merrill hadn't been able to see her - uh, them - very well in the dark. But once they'd stopped in front of the place of shelter, a light had shown down on them. That's when Merrill had really been able to see them.

She swallowed as she remembered them for the first time. They hadn't been at all what she'd imagined a demon to be like. They were...not ugly.

Merrill jumped up from the bed. These thoughts were not helpful. She needed to find the fallen one, not sit around and think about what they had looked like.

She would find them. It was her assignment and she would not fail.

How hard could it be to find one demon in a world of humans?

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