Chapter Seventeen

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"You asked to see me, Your Holiness." Elou bowed at the waist.

"Elou, yes, I did." The One Who Sits in the Sky stepped down from the golden, jewel-encrusted throne. He didn't want to appear too high and mighty. Even though He was. He tried to maintain a humble appearance in the presence of His angels. They already knew He was all powerful and to be worshipped. They didn't need a reminder. Often, that is.

He straightened his white suit. It fit Him to perfection. He resisted the urge to stop in front of one of the many mirrors in the throne room. Beautiful, solid gold mirrors, and amethyst mirrors. They were floor to ceiling. He'd already checked His appearance many times before He requested the angel to come to Him. His suit was perfect, as was His golden-brown hair. And the emerald necklace made His green eyes even greener. Which really, could anything be greener than His gaze? He did represent all of life.

"Most High?"

"Ah, yes." He faced the angel. He nearly forgot about him. His thoughts about Himself had run away with Him yet again.

"The angel..." He twirled his fingers. "The female one...what was her name?"


"Ah yes, Merrill. How has she been doing with..." He paused and glanced around. There were no other angels present. "The secret project?"

"It has only been a day on earth, my Lord."

"Ah, has it?" He signed. A bit put out with earth's time. "You know as they say in that song they wrote for me, 'Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere'." He glanced at Himself, in the mirror to His left, and smiled. "It just doesn't feel like it's only been a day. You know heaven does not have time." He shifted His gaze back to Elou.

"Yes, my Lord."

Elou looked so stiff. He never met The Almighty's gaze head on. Which is why He had chosen him to be his right-hand angel. The last one had dared to question Him. He'd not only looked into His eyes, but he had questioned The Almighty. It really had been quite profane.

"So...?" He rolled his hand in a go-on motion.

"There is nothing to report, my Lord. It has been a day."

He made an impatient sound. "That should be more than enough time. Demons being given a second chance? It is unheard of. It is a rare gift and one would think they would appreciate such a gift." He sniffed and peeked at his reflection again. "I am most gracious."

"Yes, my Lord, you are." Elou bowed at the waist again.

"Satan and his demonic entourage should be begging for a way back to heaven by now." He glanced at Elou. "How long has it been now?"

"Over 6,000 years."

"Yes. That is a long time," He exhaled loudly. "Yes, yes, that is a long time to be away from the glory of, well, Me." He laughed lightly. His brows drew together. "What is he calling himself these days? Still go by Satan?"

"I believe so, My Lord. It would appear he likes that name."

He adjusted his cuff links. "Of course he does. I am the one who came up with it."

"Yes, my Lord."

Goodness, Elou was so stiff. It really was bringing down the holy atmosphere of His throne room. "That'll be all for now." He flicked His fingers at the angel.

He didn't watch him leave. He was admiring Himself in the mirror again. 

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