Chapter two: First day of classes

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My first class of the day was Potions with Professor Slughorn. As Audrey and I entered the dungeon-like classroom, the scent of various ingredients hung thick in the air, mingling with a faint hint of something herbal and musky.

We thankfully found seats together near the back, but as Slughorn called out the seating arrangements, Audrey and I exchanged worried glances.

"Looks like we're getting separated," Audrey whispered, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

I nodded, trying to hide my own disappointment. I had grown accustomed to Audrey's reassuring presence, and the thought of sitting alone was unsettling. As fate would have it, I found myself directed to a seat near the front of the classroom, next to the boy I had been captivated by the night before. He sat with an air of quiet confidence, his dark eyes scanning the ingredients laid out on the desk before him. I swallowed nervously as I took my seat, stealing a quick glance at the boy beside me. He had an air of mystery about him, a quiet intensity that drew me in despite my nerves.The awkward tension in the air had me fighting with myself to break it.

"Okay, Violet, you can do this. Just take a deep breath and introduce yourself. It's no big deal, right? He seems nice enough, and it's not like you're asking him to slay a dragon or anything.But what if he thinks I'm weird for randomly starting a conversation? What if he doesn't want to talk to me at all? Ugh, why did Slughorn have to separate Audrey and me? It was so much easier when I had her by my side.No, don't overthink it. You've got this. Just be friendly and confident. Hi, I'm Violet. Simple enough, right? And if he's not interested in talking, then no harm done. At least you tried."

Okay, here goes nothing. Deep breath in, deep breath out. Here's my chance...

"Hi, I'm Violet," I said, trying to sound casual, though I fear it came out as more of a screech..

The boy turned to me, slightly startled...or was he offended I just spoke? I couldn't tell. He offered an annoyed look on his face. "Tom," he replied, his voice soft but laced with confidence

Great....I thought, now he hates me and I've only gone and made the awkward tension ten times worse.

As Professor Slughorn launched into the day's lesson, the air between us seemed charged with tension as we turned our attention to the task at hand. Working together on the potion, I couldn't shake the feeling of being scrutinized by those piercing dark eyes. As we mixed ingredients and stirred cauldrons, a sense of unease gnawed at the edges of my mind. There was something about Tom that didn't sit right with me, something hidden beneath the surface that I couldn't quite grasp, though I must admit I was intrigued. Despite my misgivings, I focused on the task at hand, determined to prove to myself that I could handle whatever challenges Hogwarts threw my way. Little did I know, this encounter with Tom would be just the beginning of a journey filled with secrets and mysteries yet to unfold.

The end of class had finally come around and I made my way through the crowd to Audrey.

"Hey, Audrey," I greeted her, trying to sound cheerful despite my inner turmoil.

Audrey turned to me, her eyes widening in surprise. "Violet, did what I see happen actually happen," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with suspicion.

"Me almost tripping over that chair? I hope no one saw that" I replied, attempting to lighten the mood.

Audrey shook her head, her expression serious. "No, it's about Tom Riddle. He spoke to you?"

I nodded, feeling a knot form in my stomach. "Yeah, he did, or I suppose I spoke to him. It was... awkward, to say the least. I tried to introduce myself, but he just seemed so distant, almost rude."

Audrey's brow furrowed in concern. "That's strange. Tom Riddle doesn't usually talk to anyone who's not in slytherin, especially someone new like you."

Her words sent a chill down my spine. "Well the others are not missing much, and I've got a whole semester stuck with him" I answered, my voice barely above a whisper.

Audrey hesitated for a moment before responding, her gaze piercing and leaning in closer. "There's something off about him, Violet. I can't quite put my finger on it, but he gives me the creeps. Just be careful, okay? Don't get close to him."

I nodded, feeling a sense of unease settle over me.

As I made my way to my next class, Audrey's warning echoed in my mind like a persistent whisper. "There's something off about him, Violet... Don't get close to him." Her words had planted a seed of doubt, casting a shadow over my interactions with Tom Riddle. But as much as I tried to push aside Audrey's warning, I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered within me. There was an air of mystery surrounding Tom, a sense that he was hiding something beneath his polite facade. I found myself drawn to the challenge of unraveling the secrets he seemed so determined to keep hidden. What was it about Tom Riddle that made him so enigmatic? What darkness lurked behind those piercing eyes?

Curiosity burned within me, driving me to delve deeper into the mysteries surrounding him. I wanted to know the truth, to uncover the secrets that lay hidden beneath the surface. And despite the warnings ringing in my ears, I couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement at the prospect of unlocking the secrets of Tom Riddle. And unlock them I did.

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