Chapter 28: It's consuming

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As I sat in the courtyard before the sun rose, my mind consumed with plotting alongside Violet, a sense of begrudging respect washed over me. There was a time when I harbored nothing but disdain for her, but seeing her fierce determination to protect Tom, a sentiment I had once shared, made me reassess my feelings.

I used to believe I could trust my father, but his betrayal, recruiting Audrey to take down both Tom and me, shattered that illusion. Now, I had to shift allegiances, aligning myself with whoever promised victory.

Breaking from my thoughts, I glanced over at Violet. The exhaustion etched into her features was undeniable. Dark circles beneath her eyes betrayed countless sleepless nights, and her disheveled appearance spoke volumes. It was clear that the weight of her burdens was taking its toll, eating away at her from the inside out—stress, guilt, fear.

Despite our tumultuous history, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her. In that moment, as the first light of dawn began to paint the sky with hues of orange and pink, I realized that we were more alike than I had ever cared to admit. We were both fighting our own battles, struggling to navigate the treacherous waters of betrayal and uncertainty.

As we continued to plan, forging an unlikely alliance born out of necessity, I couldn't shake the feeling that our destinies were inexorably intertwined. And as we prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead, I knew that whatever the future held, we would face it together, united by the bonds of circumstance and the shared desire for redemption.


Leaving the impromptu meeting with Elliot, I couldn't shake the surprising feeling of optimism that washed over me. For the first time, I found myself entertaining the possibility that maybe, just maybe, I could trust him. It was a fleeting notion, overshadowed by this whole year of animosity and suspicion, but nonetheless, it lingered in the back of my mind like a stubborn ember refusing to be extinguished.

Rushing back to my room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency to fix my appearance before breakfast. The last thing I wanted was to scare Tom or, quite frankly, the entire school with my disheveled state. As I approached my bedroom door, wand at the ready in case Audrey decided to make another unwelcome appearance, I braced myself for the worst.

Entering cautiously, I performed a thorough sweep of the room, checking every nook and cranny for any sign of intrusion. Under the bed, behind curtains, even inside the wardrobe—I left no corner unexamined. With each empty space I encountered, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of frustration mingled with relief. Perhaps I was letting my imagination run wild, succumbing to the paranoia that seemed to plague me at every turn.

With a resigned sigh, I turned my attention to my reflection in the mirror, noting the dark circles beneath my eyes and the unkempt state of my hair. With deft fingers, I washed away the traces of exhaustion from my face, applying makeup with practiced precision to conceal the signs of fatigue. A few quick strokes tamed the unruly strands of my hair, pulling them into a loose bun, and I slipped into a comfortable ensemble of jeans and a cozy sweater.

As I surveyed my appearance one final time, a sense of calm washed over me. With a contented smile, I left my room behind, ready to embrace the slim promise of a relaxing weekend ahead.


As I sat at the dining hall table for breakfast, my eyes automatically sought out Violet as she entered the room. Her smile when she saw me warmed my heart, and I forced one back, though the numb darkness threatening to consume me made it difficult to muster any genuine emotion.

I couldn't help but notice the signs of fatigue etched into her features, the slight slump of her shoulders, and the weariness in her eyes. Her appearance had changed too—she looked tired, a few pounds lighter, her clothes hanging a bit looser than before. A pang of concern tugged at my chest, but I pushed it aside, unable to find the strength to voice my worries.

As Violet and I engaged in casual conversation—about classes, homework, and weekend plans—my attention was momentarily diverted when she waved someone over with a small smile. Confusion flooded my mind as I watched Elliot approach, my unease growing with each step he took.

Deep down, I knew that seeing him frightened me, but the darkness that lurked within me threatened to overwhelm any rational thought or emotion. I forced myself to maintain a neutral expression, my mind racing with a thousand questions and doubts.

As Elliot joined us at the table, the atmosphere grew tense, a silent undercurrent of tension lingering between us. And as we continued our conversation, I couldn't shake the feeling that something ominous loomed on the horizon.

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