Chapter 11

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My eyes adjust to the darkness of the space-like void I found myself in. "I am truly sorry for how painful that was." That familiar voice said from the right of me. "Your blight is just awakening and soon you will be able to use it but please be careful we will be unstable for a time."

Before I could properly grasp what was going on, I suddenly opened my eyes to see the school infirmary and my worried sister. "Mari, what the hell happened?" She exclaimed touching my face and neck constantly as if looking for a fever. "How did I get here...?" I say looking around the room before my eyes land on someone I have never seen before. He was tall with skin that resembled the surface of an untouched tube of peanut butter and had short snow-white hair not to mention the large navy-blue blight that speckled his face and arms. He was sitting in his chair hunched over with his forearm resting on his knees and his fingers interlocked with each other. As if he felt my gaze, he looked up to meet my eyes with his amber ones. He doesn't say a word to me, but he gives me a slight smile before trying to leave the room quietly. Before the snow-haired man could leave, the door swung open and Adam and Ryven came barging in. "Marrow," Ryven said before locking eyes with the man who was trying to leave.

Adam squeezes his way in to see who Ryven is staring at before letting out a happy gasp. "Bishop, it's good to see you." The larger man just nodded before getting out of the way of the door to let the other men into the room. My sister shoots up from my side to confront Ryven let she had done earlier, "Did I not make it clear for you not to hover around my sister, to you, especially Montford!" She spoke harshly as pointed at Ryven. I took this opportunity to get out of bed, I honestly felt fine but the words from that thing kept bugging me. 'We are unstable' that's what it said, I couldn't help but look at my hand that was socked in the blight. Why did that thing say 'we'? My thoughts are interrupted by a shadow above me, I look up and it's Adam with his hand extended to me. "The nurse says you have the rest of the day to rest, allow me to escort you to your dorm." He helped me to my feet as I glanced at the other three. My sister was given an annoyed Ryven an earful about how he needed to stop talking to me and Bishop had already left. "Let's just not... disturb this..." I mutter to Adam as I pull him out of the room.

The two of us made our way to Mavis Hall, the stairs felt like hell on my legs and my resurfacing headache. I would have fallen down the stairs if Adam hadn't been there helping me up them. "Thanks for this," I say as we get to the top of the stairs. "No problem." I hear him say when I notice that we are already at my dorm, "How did you know...?"

"Ryven told me when he was complaining about you bumping into him and then calling him a prick," Adam said with a smile as he helped me open my door. I do not have the time to be annoyed with this pounding headache. Adam helps me sit on my bed before he sits in the armchair near my window. As if under some kind of spell, I fade into sleep rather quickly.

After Adam left with Mari, I had to endure the shrill screeching of the Crosshelm's gilded eagle. Circus would not put it to rest, everything she is upset at me for happened an entire year ago and she still won't quit. I decided to just cut my losses and leave, it's far better for me in the long run if I just hold my tongue anyway. "Hey, are you even listening to me?!" Circus called as I started towards the exit "I don't want you going anywhere near my sister!" Normally when people tell me not to do something I always do it anyway just to get under their skin but this time curiosity got the better of me, "Remind me, why can't I befriend your sister?" I watched as her face contorted at my question like it was a stupid one. "Because, Adam Montford, you are notorious for humiliating people and belittling them for not being a part of the Arc Empire." She hissed at me with a past truth that was rather uncomfortable to hear. Truth be told I was a bit of a prick when I was younger but growing up being told that you were the elite would go to any kid's head in this case, Adam was a lot worse than me and she thinks I'm Adam. "First of all, I was twelve when I did that and secondly you don't see me judging you on things you did when you were still pre-pubescent," I say now leaning over her with my arms crossed over my chest. "Now, if you excuse me, I am going to go find Ryven."

It took me a long time to get used to calling Adam by my name when we first got here. It also keeps me in check, no matter how many attractive people are here, I'm Adam Montford a man with a beautiful fiancé who he's madly in love with. The number of ladies I've had to pass up is sad. My train of thought was cut off by the right of the real Adam turning the corner. "Hey, how is she?" I ask as I pick up the pace to get to him. He gives me his usual smile as I catch up to him, "She fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow." I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief as I caught a strange look from Adam. "What..."

"Sorry, I've just never seen you worry about anyone that wasn't lady Caine." He says chuckling at me. "Hey, my grandmother is an unusually spry old lady besides I was taught better than to not help someone in danger, especially a lady," I say as I remember when Mari showed me that sketchy note. "In danger?" Adam said with a concerned look on his face as I realized that Marrow hadn't told him about her current problem. I look around the hallway before pulling Adam outside towards the gazebo next to Mavis Hall. "I know she didn't tell you this but," I look around one more time before pulling Adam a bit closer. "She has a bit of a stalker issue and from what I know it's rather disturbing." I could see Adam's gears turning as his face changed as I told him. "Do you know how long this has been going on?" He asked as if coming up with some kind of plan. I mindlessly run my fingers through my hair as I try to remember what Marrow told me, "A bit before she got here." I remember seeing that not in detention and I got the same knot in my stomach that I did when she told me about it. "I don't doubt that she can defend herself but she might need some help." Adam seems to agree with me because I can see him forming a plan of some kind. He has always been like that, even when we were kids. I got stuck in a ditch when we were small and If Adam wasn't as nice or nosy with his father's guards, it would have ended badly for me. "I think Mari might get a bit upset that I told you about this. Her sister doesn't seem to know about this." Adam nods as we talk, "Let's keep an eye on her."

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