Back At HQ
Cameron: Mom. When were you going to tell me about this? She slid the files across the desk to her mom. Cameron: These are the flies we had to get. Why is all my information in them?! Colson came in and shut the door. Colson: Cameron. Let us explain. Cameron: I'm lisenting. Colson: We don't know how they got the files. But we sent you to get them so they wouldn't be able to use them against you. Cameron: Well, what about this? It was a picture of a sun and moon. Colson: I dint know what that is. Cameron: Course not. Its something they used to destroy threats back in ancient Greece. Threats being gods and godesses. Why is it here. And don't deny it. Godesses have connections to it we can tell when its in use or where it is depending on how close it is. Colson: *sighs* We have if needed. If your powers get out of hand we know what they can do. You could destroy half the planet. Cameron: I-i know but I h-have more control over them and even if it happens i wont let you...I wont let you kill me just because of my stupid powers. She walked out and slammed the door.