𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏~🥀𝐖𝐞 𝐆𝐨𝐭 𝐎𝐧𝐞!!🥀

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A/N: The video above contains gore and rude humor in case anyone is sensitive to that kind of thing. It is completely optional to watch it and doesn't affect the story I just thought it was fitting to add. (But if you've already watched Helluva Boss then you should be fine)


It was just a lazy Sunday morning. I sat at my desk, doodling on a piece of scrap paper while my boss, Blitzø lectured on about his horse riding lessons.

I glance around at my fellow coworkers, who are looking just as bored as I am.

Moxxie was fiddling with his bow tie, while Mille rested her head on Moxxie's shoulder as she fidgeted with her hair.

"And then he just fucking threw me onto—"

I look up from my desk to see Loona, the furr—dog demon throw her glass cup at Blitzø.

He dodged it just in time. "Woah...take it easy there Loony," Blitzø said, nervously laughing.
Loona snarled at him. "Urgh! You fucking suck!"

She stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind her.

Moxxie was clutching Millie, shaking in fear.
"There, there Mox..." Millie said softly, patting her husband's head.

Moxxie nodded stubbly.
"Anyyyywaysss," Blitzø continued, "there was a really big fucking horse and he was doing some weird ass shit with his..."

I rolled my eyes and went back to doodling when I heard a buzz come from my hellphone.

I discreetly pulled it out from under my desk, making sure Blitzø wouldn't see it.

"One new voice message from Vox" it read.
I slipped in one of my wireless earbuds and played the message.

"Hey baby~" Vox's voice cooed through the phone.

He wants something.

"Can you do me a favor...?

I hit "delete".

Yeah fucking right. I'm not doing him shit. I'd rather listen to Blitzø blab about his shitty horse riding lessons.

"...and so then I said to this fucker—"

Blitzø was interrupted when the phone started ringing.
"It's about time!" Millie said, sitting up.

"Hold your shit Millie, we can't assume it's a client," Blitzø said walking towards the phone.


There was a brief silence as the person on the other line started talking.

"Yeah? Really?? Well eheh...I mean, you'll have to pay extra if you want us to come immediately...yeah we've got a pretty packed schedule, eh Y/N?" He winked at me.

"Hm? Oh yes! Very very busy!" I said loud enough so the person on the other line could hear.

Blitzø gave me a thumbs up as he continued talking into the phone.

"C'mon, 20% extra! ...30%! ...okay fine we'll compromise at 25%. We'll be there before you can say 'go whip that fucker's ass!'" Blitzø hung up the phone.

"WE GOT ONE!!" He exclaimed, pulling out his gun.


A/N: This'll be the start of a wonderful new book~! I'm so excited to see how you guys like it, along with watching my writing skills grow along the way...

~earth_angel17 <333

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