(IX) BFF Hang-out Time!

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"C'mon, C'mon, C'mon!" Jasmine shouted, her fingers crossed tightly.

As if hearing her prayers and blatantly denying them, the bowling ball slowly curved its trajectory, landing directly in the gutter. Jasmine stomped her feet, huffing angrily as she walked back to Felix.

"It almost went in," Felix offered. Jasmine glared at him as she plopped down into her seat.

"I don't want to hear it, Mr. Three-Strikes-In-A-Row."

Felix grinned. "It's Mr. Turkey, actually."

Jasmine flipped him off. He laughed, shaking his head as he stood up. He lifted his bowling ball from the ball return, striding towards the start of the lane. He carefully lined himself up, swung his arm back, and shot it forwards.

The bowling ball slid onto the lane and sped down the lane, traveling in a completely straight line. It struck the front and center pin, sending it careening into the others. With loud clatter, the pins fell like dominos, all ten hitting the ground. The pinsetter scooped the pins off the lane as the computer added his score.

Felix turned around, smugly smiling at Jasmine, who resembled a grumpy toddler. She flipped him off again, scoffing as the score revealed itself on the screen above him. He glanced up.

Fel: 265

Jas: 129

"We should report a bug in the computer system," Felix said, sitting beside Jasmine. "They messed up all your numbers. Didn't you get a 291?"

Jasmine growled. "Shut the hell up."

"Alright," Felix said, putting his hands up in surrender. "Since I won, I'll pay for lunch."

Jasmine kept her scowl up for a moment longer before dropping it with a nod. "That sounds fair. An apology lunch."

"An apology for beating you in bowling?"

"Yes. You basically insulted my honor."

"How did I insult your honor?"

"Cause I thought bowling was the one thing I had on you," Jasmine said, playfully nudging his shoulder.

"What does that even mean?" Felix asked, laughing.

"I thought I could beat you bowling! You've beat me in literally everything else we've done."

"That's not true!"

"Oh really? List one thing I've beaten you in."

Felix searched his mind for an answer. "That time we went mini-golfing, and I took so many strokes I had doubled the total par."

"You were sick with a 102 fever and didn't want to cancel."

"How about when we did the 'team-bonding obstacle course'?"

"Someone got so mad at you that they punched you and you were out the rest of the day."

"Just take the wins."

Jasmine huffed, standing up. "I'd rather have a real win, not a pity win."

"You'll find something that you're at me than," Felix said, smiling.

"Uh-huh, sure. Let's just get lunch, asshat."

"You truly do flatter me."

Jasmine rolled her eyes. "I try my best."

Jasmine held out her hand to Felix. He took it, using her support to stand up easier. She then led the way to the desk, where they quickly took off their shoes and handed them to the unimpressed looking teen. They quickly put away the shoes and then produced Felix and Jasmine's shoes from a hidden drawer. Felix and Jasmine thanked the teen, wandering off with their shoes.

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