The adventure!

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As you opened your door with a shaky hand, Tanjiro lightly gripped your shoulder with his hand. "Hey.. Are you alright? It's okay to be nervous, but... You seem... More than nervous..." He smiles slightly at you, causing you to smile. "No... I'm fine... A bit under pressure though... We should leave really soon... But I'm holding everyone back" You sigh. Tanjiro lets go of your shoulder and sighs as well. "You aren't holding anyone back... We'll be at the front waiting" He turns away, and walks outside. Dammit! What the heck! Those pretty little lies he tells! I'm obviously holding them up!  You rush into the room, and grab your katana, then rush out the room again.

As soon as you reach outside, you're greeted by Tanjiro. "Are you ready?" He gives you another smile, a small smile now forming at the corners of your lips. "Mhm! What way are we supposed to go?". Before Tanjiro could speak, Muichiro speaks up, and points down the shadiest looking forest ever "Down there! It's pretty shady". "W-Well... A-Anyway! Let's get going!" Tanjiro smiles, but turns to glare at Muichiro, and then starts to run down the path. Everyone follows behind him, except for Inosuke, Rengoku and Muichiro, who is running in front of him. "wait- Wait- Wait up! DoNt LeaVe Me HerE!!" Zenitsu runs after Tanjiro, screaming. "Shut it, Zenitsu!" You hiss at Zenitsu "You're too loud!"

"So, anyway..." Muichiro slows down to run next to you "What was that about? You know, with Mitsuri and all...?". Suddenly, realization hits you, and you stop running. "Fuck, I forgot to say goodbye!" Tanjiro turns to you, and stops running. "What is it? We need to keep going..." "Yeah, Yeah, I know!". You start to run again. You reach the forest, and cautiously run into it, looking around, taking in your surroundings. "Wow..." You continue to look around, while running forward. Inosuke runs up the small hill in the forest, yelling and boasting about how he's better than Tanjiro. Zenitsu just runs with Tanjiro, shaking from fear. 

Now, you were halfway through the forest, and it was quiet, except for Zenitsu's wailing, and Inosuke's yelling. So, really, it isn't so quiet. The birds were chirping, only little sun rays spill through the dark spruce trees. You feel relaxed, though, you keep your guard up. You just hope that your other friends are okay, and you wish them the best of luck. Soon, you reach the top of the mountain, and look down the steep, rocky hill. You were not expecting this at all. "This is gonna be hard.." Tanjiro suddenly says. Inosuke stops running, and looks at the steep hill. "What the-!?!?" He exclaims. "We could always find an easy way down..." Muichiro joins the conversation, along with Zenitsu. "Or wE cOuLd JuST Not DO It!" He cries again "Its so steep! Thats actually scary!". "Oh, boy of yellow, it'll be fine! We'll find a way!" Rengoku joins in. "It isn't that bad, you know!" you groan a bit.

You all were standing there, thinking of a way to get down safely. Suddenly, Inosuke just jumps on the hill, and slowly slides down. "SEE!? I'M BETTER THAN TANJIRO IN EVERY WAY!!" They all gasp. "Inosuke! What are you doing!?" Tanjiro yells at him. "I'm NoT doInG tHaT! YoU're cRazy iF yoU thInK I WoUld!" Zenitsu cries out. "Well, I guess we're doing it!" You walk over to Zenitsu, and push him down the hill, before sliding down yourself, as Muichiro and Tanjiro watch as you push Zenitsu, shocked, but not long after, Muichiro follows along, and so does Tanjiro. Zenisu's screams and cries fill the dark forest, as he falls down. "WE'RE GONNA DIE! I DONT WANNA DIE" He screams. Rengoku and Tengen also slide down smoothly. "Shut up!" You screech at Zenitsu.

Soon, you all make it down the bottom of the hill, where Inosuke is standing. Zenitsu falls over, face first, while the rest of you stand up on both feet. Dusting the back of your pants, you look at Inosuke. "Are you crazy, or some shit? That hurt! I dunno why we did what you did!" You hiss at him. "Hey! You should listen to me! I am the king of the mountains!" He turns away from you, and continues walking down the now flat path. Zenitsu stands up, and rubs his face "Owww..." He holds his face, while walking down the path with Tanjiro.

A/n: I'm so sorry if there were any spelling errors in this book or the previous book. Also, Sorry for any misspelled names or mispronunciations!

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