Fanfic About The Fanfic Creator

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It was a normal day for the basement dweller, Reddit moderater, Discord admin looking ass, and ultimate fanfic creator Hifumi Yamada. He was, of course, writing fanfics (or Dōjin Author in Japanese) about his waifu, Princess Piggles. "Ohh, yes, this is my perfect work, yet I will call it Princess Piggles and the Octopus. Hehehehe." says Hifumi with a creepy smile. Right as he was about to post his latest work, the computer turned out. "NOOOOO! My story. It took me 4 months to finish it; it had everything: love, character development, and even tentacle action. Who doesn't love tentacle action?" said Hifumi. He then looked at the plug and saw that it was being held by his mom. "HIFUMI YAMADA! You have been in my house for 4 months straight without going outside. Once, young man, you look like a mess. How will the others think my son is living in my basement like some freak, and you don't get to write your little fanasty stories until you go get some sunlight outside." Mom said. "B-b-b-but mom, you know what you did; you might have just taken my 4-month work into nothingness." "Good that what you get for not going to get sunlight. NOW GO!" Then mom tried to pick Hifumi up, but he was too heavy. "Fine until you go out; no PRINCESS PIGGLES." Yelled mom. "But mom, the new episode of Princess Piggles Gaiden is airing tonight." pleads Hifumi. "Well then, I guess you better get going." Mom said. Hifumi can't miss the new episode of Princess Piggles Gaiden, so he gets up and heads outside, and when he gets out there... "HIISSSSSSS, my eyes burn it to bright. What kind of place is this?" Screamed Hifumi. Hifumi then tries to run back inside, but the door is locked. "You are not getting back in here until you are out here for at least an hour. You need fresh air and sunlight." said the mom. Hifumi then looks at the sky, and again, it hurts his eyes, so he tries to hide in the shade. He tried to sit under the tree for shade, but his big, round self was too fat to get fully covered. He decided to get some rocks and throw them at the window of his older sister's room. Fujiko Yamada, his older sister, heard the rocks and opened the window. "What, Hifumi, why are you doing outside?" Asked Fujiko. "Mom said I needed sunlight because I have been spending my time in the basement. But I do need your help. Mom locked the door." Said Hifumi. "Let me guess you want me to unlock it." said Fujiko. "Yes, please, it's bright out here, and I might miss the new episode of Princess Piggles Gaiden." Plead Hifumi. "Oh, of course." Fujiko then goes to the door and unlocks it. Hifumi then sneaks back into the basement, but his mom is waiting for him. "Well, well, well, it was only 10 minutes." said mom. "AHHH MOM, YOU WERENT POST TO BE HERE!" screamed Hifumi. "Let me guess your sister let you in, didn't she?" Mom asked. "Well, yes, alright, I'm sorry." Sadly, say Hifumi. "Well, I guess you got some sunlight, so I let it slide, but please get out more." Say the mother. "Ok, mom." said Hifumi, feeling guilty. "Also, clean your basement; it's dirty down here, like, why are there just loose tissues everywhere?" Said the mom. "Don't touch those!" Plead Hifumi. Mom then goes back upstairs and starts cooking dinner, and Hifumi plugs back his computer, and thank goodness it saved at the last second, so his 4 months weren't wasted and he published it on the site. Also, he got to see the new episode of Princess Piggles Gaiden. So today was a pretty good day for Hifumi in the end. He just needs to remember to go outside and touch the grass once in a while, and maybe he will be less pathetic.

Hifumi Yamada Go Outside And Touches GrassWhere stories live. Discover now