S02E06 The Gauntlet Begins! Prospects Against Prospects!

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The audience cheered but Shade didn't feel like celebrating. He immediately raced to the outside of the ring to check on Meadow, cradling her in his arms. She was unconscious but she had a faint smile on her face. With Meadow in his arms, he walked around the corner of the ring and to the sidelines where Kore stood waiting. Kore slipped an invigoration gummy in her mouth, and took hold of her jaw, forcing her to chew it. Subconsciously, she swallowed the gummy and within a split second, her eyes were wide open.

Shade put her down and she gave him a hug, once again thanking him, causing Shade to blush. Then Shade fell to his knee, breathing heavily, clutching at his chest. Meadow looked at Kore concerned, who took a knee beside Shade and put a hand on his back.

"You alright there?" He asked.

Shade shook his head. "That shadow strike... It really takes its toll..."

Kore handed him an invigoration gummy and he ate it. He felt a little bit better but not even an invigoration gummy could replenish all of his strength after that shadow strike. He slowly stood up and took a deep breath. The audience kept cheering for him, and finally, he accepted the adulation, raising a fist to the sky. Rhys stood up from his seat and got in the ring, clearing his throat.

"Well done Shade, well done," he said. "Not the best fight I've ever seen but well done nonetheless. Look, I'll be honest with you all, coming here to watch the fight isn't the only reason I'm here."

Ngaire rolled her eyes. Of course it wasn't.

"I'd like to make a wager... That the Sons of Tomorrow Prospects would beat these potential Prospects in hand to hand combat. A gauntlet match if you will. What do you say?"

"Tournaments over," Red called out. "Our Prospects have already passed the third trial. There would be no need."

"Well then, call it a trial for my own Prospects. I see your President and VP are noticeably absent, so why not get them on the phone and see what they have to say about it?"

Everyone looked over at Red, waiting for his response. He looked over at Ngaire, who shook her head, then over at Kore, who shrugged. He sighed, pulled out his cell phone and dialed in a number.


Blake sat in the examination room staring at the ceiling, this surgery was taking a while, and he was starting to grow impatient. He looked over at Stamos, who had his head back in an awfully uncomfortable position, the dream glasses over his eyes. Blake started tapping his foot against the ground, as he turned his attention to Doc, who had just finished surgically implanting the second tube into Ash's left index finger.

"How much longer will this take?" Blake asked.

"Still a while longer," Doc answered. "Kieran, hand me the next tube."

Kieran walked over to the counter, and picked up a larger tube than the first two, walking it back over.

"This one will be going in his palm."

A buzzing sound then engulfed the room, and Blake looked over at Stamos's leg pocket, it was lit up, his leg vibrating. Stamos, too engrossed in the dream glasses, wasn't coherent and didn't even feel the vibrations. Blake walked over and went fishing into Stamos's pocket, pulling out his cell phone. He answered it, and on the other end was Red.

"Pres?" Red asked. "This you?"

"No," Blake replied. "It's Blake. What's the matter, Red?"

"We've got a group here calling themselves the Sons of Tomorrow."