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I was beyond elated. Beyoncé and I have been communicating nonstop since that day in my office. I still think about it and get chills. Everything was going great, money was good, work was good, life was good. I haven't felt this confident in months. I'm happy to say I got my groove back. I was laying in bed texting Bey when another unknown number text my phone. This shit was getting weird.

'I can't wait til I see your pretty face again.'

I scrunched my face up and stared at the message. So this creep has seen me in person? The hell is going on? I'm not sure what to do anymore. I have no clue who could be doing this. All I know is that I'm getting scared now. I thought it was Shawn at first but this doesn't seem like him. Granted I didn't know much about him but this seems out of is caliber. I finally got the courage to text back. I've been ignoring them for the longest but I'm getting fed up now, just want this to end.

'Who is this??'

I waited a bit for a response. I knew they wouldn't tell me who they were but a girl could hope. As I was waiting, I got a FaceTime call from Bey. I couldn't even be excited, my nerves were shot. There's only a matter of time before this situation escalates.

I answered the phone, not bothering to give it my attention. I was worried about the possibilities of who it could be.

"Hey beautiful."

My eyes shot to the screen and a small smile graced my face. I missed her so much. The conversations have been flowing so good. It's like she's a different person, not the angry woman I first met. I'm finding out so much about her and I'm so intrigued by her. She talks about her kids a lot which always makes me nervous. She doesn't have one, but three of them and for some reason that makes me queasy. I haven't met them but if and when I do, I'll be a nervous wreck.

"Hey Bey, what are you doing?"

She smiled at the phone and told me she was writing music. We talked for a few minutes when I got a reply from the unknown number. My face dropped and my mood shifted. I got a chill but it wasn't the good one.

'Who you should be with instead of Beyoncé's ass.'

So this person knows about me and Bey? That right there caused me to panic. I dropped my phone and started hyperventilating. No one knows about us except Robyn and Lauren and I know it not either of them. Maybe it's someone Bey knows? But how would they have gotten my number? I was beyond scared now. I forgot I was on the phone until Bey called for me.

"Onika? Baby what's wrong?"

The pet name started a frenzy in my stomach, but now was not the time. I picked up my phone, almost in tears. I should tell her, right? This person obviously knows about us and she deserves the right to know. She's the famous one, not me. And I doubt she'd want this to get out.

"I'm s-scared Bey.."

She furrowed her eyebrows and stared at me through the phone. I fidgeted around, paranoid as hell. Do they know where I live? Do they know my family? My friends? All these questions swirled in my head. I wasn't paying any attention to anything Beyoncé was saying. I started hyperventilating again and tears welled up in my eyes. What did I do to deserve this?

"Nic, calm down for me. Try to breathe, you're gonna make yourself pass out if you don't breathe. Come on, in and out for me baby calm down."

I listened to her and tried to calm my breathing down. After a few minutes, I got it under control. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, trying to find my voice so I could tell her what was wrong. Once I gained my thoughts together, I opened my eyes and looked at her.

Damsel in Distress (BEYNIKA)Where stories live. Discover now