Chapter six

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My whole body hurt, inside and out. I sat upright in the bed I ended up sleeping in. How did I get here? I looked over to see another sleeping valentino. Great.. i thought to myself as rubbed my eyes, glancing at the makeup residue on the tips of my fingers.

My head was pounding and i felt like shit. I felt a hand on my shoulder and another on my waist.. "Good morning..~" I heard a familiar Latino voice say. I mentally face palmed.

"today's the day of the annual morningstar ball" he said with a low tone. a ball? are we in a hellsney movie? "And you will be my plus one.." he made sure to mention that he was gonna force me either way.

i yawned and got up, val was in a hurry to get to his club so he was gone before I put my feet on the floor. I went over to his closet. which, now that I'm moved in here (😒), it was scattered with revealing clothes of all shades.

I saw this particular hot pink top that looked like a tight cropped tank top with a v shaped collar. gold chains that resembles earrings dangled down starting from the neck. next, I saw a hot pink skirt with a cut so it exposed my thighs. I saw knee high gold boots with black fishnets.

I put the outfit on and decorated my arms with bling bracelets and my waist with a chunky belt. I did my hair and added these long  pink earrings that went down my neck when I moved.

I walked over to the mirror, I looked sexy and I knew it, I walked out of the room to see velvette and vox having a ongoing conversation. before I was able to completely walk past them velvette was trying to come over to me until vox pulled her back. "Velv, leave Valentinos slut alone." he said in a low growl. velvette didn't listen and approached me,

"Vox stop being pissy, y/n your outfit looks stunning. You're almost as good as me!" she said. "thanks velvette, is Valentino in the club?" I asked and she nodded

i made my way into the elevator to see a small imp butler. "Excuse me love, has Valentino been down here yet?" I asked

"v-valentino? I..I mean s-sir Valentino? yes m-ma'am! he's in his u-usual spot!!" the butler said in a frantic way when I mentioned val.

the elevator stopped and I walked out , sort of tripping over my own feet as I made my way over to the VIP area.

i saw Valentino flirting with two incubus' and one succubus. seeing him doing that hurt me, I don't know why I'm feeling like this its not like we're together..

as soon as Valentino noticed I was standing there he pushed all of the sex demons off and strutted towards me.

"Amorcito~! isn't this a nice surprise, you look ravishing~" he said, a bit of hot pink drool running down his chin. he shoved me over to the booth seat next to him, running a hand up my thigh..

"here darling, your favorite~" he said handing me a glass of that delicious pink liquid. it was less thriving than usual, like a beer. "err..Val? is this different?" I asked, as I sipped. yep, definitely not what I remembered.

"Well amor, we are going to the ball tonight~ I don't need you embarrassing me." he said as he ran a claw along my collarbone, "But-!" "Enough Y/n! you are not drinking anymore than two glasses!" he said . I jumped at his horrible tone, I nodded.

it was around nightfall when I decided to get ready...

End of chapter

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