Chapter one - arrival

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I suddenly woke up in the middle of a road. I looked up and saw the sky was blood red, there wasn't a sun just a huge pentagram within a circle. I tried to bring myself to my feet, my legs weren't working. Before I knew it, there was a car coming straight towards me, the driver swerved around me, "move out the middle of the street you whore!" The driver yelled. I crawled out of the road onto the sidewalk, I was able to get feeling in my legs and I scrambled to my feet, I stumbled over to a window to get a good look at myself. My skin was a pale white with red and black spots along my body. My eyes were a black and yellow color scheme, I had a pink fluffy dress on with pink heels. my hair hadn't changed although  I did have antennas, a extra pair of arms and a pair of wings with a black and dark red pattern. I heard a high pitched squeal and I turned around, I saw a girl with high pigtails, a guy with a TV as a head (weird) and a really tall guy smoking some type of cigar/cigarette.

The girl looked at me for a minute and started taking pictures, "Awe vox look at her! She's gorgeous! Ooh~, val isnt she gorgeous!!" She blabbed as she caressed my antennas, I stepped back anxiously. The tv guy continued to walk forward, not having a care in the world about what she had to say. Unlike him the tall guy walked towards me and the girl. He put his hand on my head, brushing against the antennas and took a drag out of his cigarette. " You're right velvette she is gorgeous" he said as he tilted my head up. He spoke again, "Do you need a job doll? You've got a good body, it should have some use y'know?" I thought for a moment, everything was going weirdly. Before I could speak up, "you could stay here with me!" The girl spoke, what was her name? Velvette?... "Okay" I spoke up, she squealed and linked her arm with mine and practically dragged me along with her. I was a tad bit scared since I was dropped I some random place and now I'm being dragged somewhere. Eventually we arrived to a tall tower like building

We all walked in, there were stages , couches, bars, and dancers. It felt pretty nostalgic if you ask me. I was pushed to a door that led to a brightly lit hallway, it was somewhat entertaining to watch the lights. velvette let go of my arm and motioned me to follow her. She walked into a elevator, I followed and stood next to her. I watched as the tall guy put his hand on my shoulder, "What's your name doll? You can call me valentino~" he said. I hesitated to answer but I spoke up anyway, "..y/n". Valentino didn't speak again although his smile crept bigger. I took a minute to look at my outfit it looked oddly familiar. I shook the thought of as we arrived to the designated floor. Velvette grabbed my arm and dragged me. Here we go.. she brought me to a room, (uhm imagine it as you want). I took in the air of the room and I felt oddly calm and woozy. "If you need me I'll be in the next room!!" Velvette yelled halfway out the door.

I walked carefully around the room, fuck I'm tired... Where the fuck am I? I somehow get dropped into this place, there's a guy with a TV as a head and a moth guy named Valentino. Wait, oh shit that makes sense. I fucking died.. am I in hell? ... I tried to shake off my thoughts as I sat on the bed. I decided it was time to get some sort of sleep. I laid down and almost immediately fell asleep.

End of chapter

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