Chapter 2

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Takemichi's Perspective - 2018
I walked out of the bank with my new Bank card in my hand. I was so mad at this Ran guy that I decided to play it safe and get a new card. I definitely knew I knew him from somewhere though. Was it school? A past Job of mine? A new report about a psycho escaping the mental hospital? Oh well, all I knew is that I never wanted to see this guy again.
It had snowed the night before. It had snowed almost 4 cm, and the whole sidewalk was covered, and the streets were unplowed. I know I should probably get a car, but I have no money, or even a license to make it worse, so my only way of transportation is walking.
A few years ago I managed to save up enough of my money from my waiter job at Montana's to get an electric scooter. A week after I got it someone stole it. It had been almost a year since it was stolen.
To be honest, the scooter wasn't even that good, and I hated that job at Montana's. The boss's name was John. I had my suspicions of John for a while, but I could have never proven my point. That was until I one day was at Walmart buying some "$0.02-on-their-last-limbs-need to-go-now-Bananas", when I saw John buying almost 4,670 on sale Hungry man Rib and potatoes frozen dinner. I didn't think anything of it until he brought in a bunch of dry mashed potatoes and soggy ribs and put them in the freezer. Then a week after that I saw him scraping some coleslaw off of a plate and he was putting it back into the bucket. Not even a day later we got sued because a man got Botulism and died in the ICU. Long story short I was relieved when John fired me for saying I was too slow on the floor and I wouldn't put the wine glasses away properly.

I was walking home when a motorcycle in the window of a shop caught my eye. It was a red Kawasaki Ninja ZX. I was squinting at the price tag when someone tapped on my shoulder "Tachemichi?"
I looked up and gasped "Inui??!?!"
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
He smiled "This is my bike shop"
I looked up at the sign "S.S oles?"
He laughed " yah, It is supposed to say S.S Motorcycles, but the letters fell off, and I don't make enough money to replace them"
I smiled and said "This is a nice shop, how did you afford it?"
He shook his head "last year the mayor was on the news saying how he wanted to turn this abandoned bike shop into a homeless shelter. You see this bike shop belongs to Mikey's older brother, and I had a lot of sacred memories here, So I stood up and said I wanted to buy it from the city, I also just used it illegally a while back without the government knowing"
I nodded "That's awesome".
He shook his head " I can hardly afford the rent here, I had to sell my house. I live in that black Honda in the back, and I live off of motor oil and windex".
I ignored his comment "why don't you move in with Koko or something?"
He shivered and looked away, dodging the question, "Anyway, did you need something? I saw you eyeing up that Kawasaki Bike right here"
I nodded "I need a bike, do you have anything on sale?"
He laughed and led me inside "That bike is $17,399,000, but over here we have something cheaper" I looked down, and we were standing in front of a pink John Deere electric lawn mower with a ripped bag attached to it. I stared at it "An eclectic lawn mower"
He shook his head "No, it runs on Diesel. They don't make these guys anymore, mostly because they let off way too much smoke due to the diesel, and they have been known to blow up in the winter"
I laughed "You know what Inui, I will get back to you on this, and in the meantime I will go get a credit check or something and come back"
Inui nodded "Don't be too long, we might close down"
I laughed at the joke.
He shook his head "No seriously, I haven't paid the rent on this place for almost 5 months" I looked at him for a minute.
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I walked inside of my apartment and tripped on the garbage bag of moldy Wonder bread and No name Tomatoes that have been sitting there for almost 3 years. I pushed the dead rats and fungi mushrooms off of the table and sat down. I put my Mcdonald's bag on the table and opened the bag. There was nothing like coming home from a long day to just come home and eat a nice big mac meal and watch tv and relax. When I opened the bag there was only a 4 pack chicken nugget and 49 packs of ketchup and a used napkin. I must have taken the wrong order. I signed and opened the box, just to find 1 cold chicken nugget with mold on it. I was so mad, some lucky person got a nice big mac meal and coke, and I was stuck with 50 packs of ketchup and a moldy chicken nugget, just what I needed more mold in my house.
My life really did suck. I have a messy house, a bad job, no friends or family, and I probably have food poisoning and depression. I signed and turned on the tv. The only thing on was the news. There was an ad for a travel agent named Zoro, and how he could get you to Europe for only $300. I googled this on my phone, and a bunch of reviews came up. One said "He booked me a trip to Cuba and I ended up in Ohio at the alder inn" another one said "I wanted to go to Tokyo and he sent me to Surrey BC" I turned off the news and put on a random movie station.
It feels like all I ever do is work, apologize and go home to nothing…

I was woken up to the sound of my "Yo fone lining" ringtone, and the sun shining on my face. I quickly grabbed my phone to see the Manager calling me. I got up quickly and yelled "crap! I'm late for work" I quickly combed my hair a bit and grabbed my wallet and ran out the door. It was pretty sunny outside, but it was still a bit chilly. It snowed the night before, almost 5 cm of it, and everything was covered in snow and was super slippery. I can't afford any winter boots, so I have to wear my thrifted walmart sandals. I nearly slipped down the icy stairs. My neighbor Karen was standing by the stairs with her arms crossed. She said "Hanagaki, I'm so sick of you. Your TV was so loud last night I couldn't even sleep and now I'm in a bad mood" I said "Your in a bad mood everyday, and I was watching the news" She said "Well don't bother, you make everyone so mad, with your loudness, you are lucky someone hasn't called the police on you" I said "can you not today? I am already 2 hours late for work. I don't need this today" She crossed her arms "Well, maybe you shouldn't have stayed up until 3 am watching "the news" or whatever it was" I shoved her out of the way and ran to work.

It was snowing more now, and none of the roads have been cleaned off. Thank goodness the sidewalk had been cleaned off, I was about to run onto the sidewalk when a car came speeding down the sidewalk just to pull a U-turn. I jumped. All of a sudden a whole line of other cars went speeding down the sidewalk, leaving me no choice but to use the road.
I continued to walk down the street, until that homeless guy "Ran" came out of nowhere. This time he was covered in snow and smelt like gasoline. I ignored him and kept walking. I got a bit nervous when he said "Hey you- I was going to ask you a question" and started to chase after me. I went running, almost falling on my too big thrifted sandals. Ran finally caught up to me and got right in my face. I nailed him in the face as hard as I could with my dollar store plastic phone case and then…

I looked around, and I was expecting to be in the middle of the street walking to work, but I was in the middle of a school yard. I grabbed my phone and checked the time and threw it in shock. Now only did I get cut on the broken glass on the screen, but my iphone SE was replaced with a medieval nokia flip phone. The calendar said that it was December 23, 2005. I wasn't sure if my phone was just set to the wrong time, since that happens a lot, or if I was actually in the past. My heart started to race. I started to panic, I was so confused how I got here. The last thing I remembered was punching Ran in the face after he started to harass me for money.
I looked over, and saw Koko and Inui. I ran over. "Guys, what year is it?" I asked.
They stopped walking and gave each other a weird look. Koko mumbled something to Inui. "It's 2005, why?" Inui asked.
I started to panic more. I looked down at my phone for a minute, and when I looked back up Koko and Inui were gone.
I had so many questions right now. And concerns. I didn't know how I got here, I didn't know if I was even dreaming, I couldn't even remember where I would have lived at the time. Not to mention it was snowing and I was wearing shorts and sandals.

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