Chapter 20

27 3 14

Kokonoi Hajime~ 2019
It was almost midnight, and I was sitting in my living room for hours doing work. After Bonten shut down a few months ago, I decided that I wanted to change, and maybe get a better job that pays more. Half of the time the finance department would be a month late in giving the ways, and they would try to shave off money saying it was for "development projects" but that was never the case. A few months ago I got a job in the cybersecurity field, since it was something that I already knew, even if it was all just for a cover, I decided to put my education to good use. I honestly felt like my life was getting better. I was happier, not having my life on the line everyday, having to fear my every move, waiting for the moment I would get caught. It felt like an entire mountain was lifted off my shoulders, I felt like I actually was starting to get a hold of my life now. Not much has changed in the last few months. I still lived in the same penthouse, and Inui still lived with me. He also still was working at the motorcycle shop in town. I liked the way things were, I was fine with nothing changing, I just felt so at peace with the way everything was right now.
I was exhausted, these past few weeks have been so crammed with work, and the boss has been crunching the deadlines. I was currently an employee with a very high education in the job field, so the boss seemed to have a lot of faith in me, and it seemed like he really depended on me, which I didn't mind much, that would mean a promotion was just around the corner for me. Just as I got up, about to go to my room and finally get some sleep, there was a knock at the door.
I stopped in my tracks. I didn't expect anyone to be up at this hour, or to be knocking on the door at this time. Lately there have been a lot of people advertising coming door to door, and they won't stop knocking unless you answer the door. Just the other day there were two people from some church trying to get me to listen to their bible verses, and it was 8am in the morning, and I was just trying to go to work. They wouldn't leave me alone, and they ended up following me all the way to the underground parking lot, and tried to chase after me when I got in my car. I'm not sure how they even managed to get in the building in the first place because there is high tech security, and you usually have to have a fob to even enter the building.

I went to the door, and looked through the peephole. I didn't see anyone at first, so I decided to open the door and take a quick look. I was just about to look and see who it was, but I was shoved off my feet. I looked up, and it was Sanzu, Takemichi, Mikey, and some other guy. I got up and looked at them confused, "What the heck? What are you guys doing here?" No one answered me, and Sanzu started to lock the front door. "Guys, what the heck do you think you are doing inside my house at 12am in the morning?" They all were panting, and their faces were red, as if they had been running for hours on end. None of them spoke for a solid moment, which just made my curiosity and confusion escalate even more than it previously had been. There was tension in the air, that was for sure. I was starting to get mad, they had a lot of guts coming to my house in the middle of the night and acting like they were being chased like the police or something like that.
"Koko...? What are they doing here?" Someone said, I looked over and it was Inui. I noticed he was looking at Mikey and Sanzu, giving them a death stare.
"That's what I was starting to wonder." I said, while running my hand through my hair. I knew Inui was feeling the exact same thing as me, but the difference was that Inui changed, and he grew some major guts. If something wasn't right to him, he would make it clear, which was not a good thing. The last thing I needed was an argument breaking out, and then who knew how far it could escalate. The walls in my penthouse were already paper thin, you could practically hear your neighbors breathing, just what I needed was being reported for noise after hours.
"You see..." Takemichi began, "We escaped Prison, and-" Inui and I looked at each other, both with wide eyes and blank stares. Did he actually just say they escaped... JAIL? Why would they think coming here was even a good idea?
I shook my head, "Guys, no, just no. I changed my life. I don't want to get involved in this anymore. You should have known better than to come here. I don't want to help you guys... Plus, how on Earth did you four even manage to get in the building? There are security cameras all around, plus you have to have a fob to get in."
"We snuck in behind an old man." Sanzu said, "Plus, we really need somewhere to stay. You were our last option. Plus, Mikey isn't doing well right now, we just need somewhere to stay for a while. We won't cause any issues. We are just really desperate right now, and Koko, we would appreciate your help. Remember how much money Mikey and I would give you?"

I looked away when he said that. I looked over at Inui. He gave me a blank look, but nodded slightly as if he was allowing them to stay. "ugh, fine you can stay. Under one condition, if you don't cause any problems, sound good?" I said, putting my hand on my forehead in frustration. Everyone cheered. My attention was quickly drawn to Mikey. He looked so different. He had bags under his eyes, and he was as pale as a piece of paper, plus he looked like he was struggling to stand up, almost like his knees were buckling by the small amount of weight he had on him. By the looks of it, you would think he hadn't eaten a proper meal in years. I was shocked to see that the person I once knew who was filled with anger and so much determination, someone no one would have the guts to speak back to or disobey, was in such a vulnerable state, and looked so weak and depressed. The last time I saw him he was so intimating, and now he looked like he was just a body without a soul, he didn't display any emotions at all, he hardly even looked alive anymore. By looking at what had happened to Mikey I suddenly felt guilty for almost turning them away.
I nodded and looked at everyone, not sure what to do at that moment. I glanced over in Inui's direction quickly. "Hey, Inui, can you go and show Mikey to the guest room?" He quickly nodded once and the two of them walked down the hall. I looked back at the other 3. They looked over at me. I shook my head, and in a stern, demanding like voice I said, "Guys, you need to promise to not cause any problems, or I swear I will be livid. Don't get the wrong idea, I'm only doing this because Mikey isn't in the state to be wandering around with you guys. Who knows where you would have ended up, goodness only knows what Sanzu thinks everyday! Besides, my life is already busy as it is, I don't have time for this crap" I looked back up, and they were all staring at me, probably because I accidentally went on a whole rant, it was a random monologue.
The blank looks quickly left their faces, and they all seemed relieved to have been allowed to stay here, even after my sudden burst. They nodded. "We promise, we will be on our best behavior." Sanzu said, with a big grin on his face, like usual.
I sighed. It felt like I was getting the feeling I was just getting myself into something I was going to regret. I was walking down the hall, when I got stopped by Inui. He whispered "Koko, I really hope you know what you are doing. It is going to be very soon that the police start looking into their sudden absence. I thought you wanted to change."
I looked at the floor, he was right, I did promise myself I would change, but my friends needed me. Plus, Mikey didn't seem like he was in the right state to be with those guys considering the way they were. "Um-" I began, trying to think of my words carefully, "I just want to be here for Mikey, you know? He seems like he is in such a vulnerable state, and he needs my help. Do you think that might be too much for me to ask?"
He shook his head, "No you're right Koko, it's just the right thing to do. Go ahead and help him, he probably needs it." I smiled at his words.

Hi everyone, starting tomorrow school starts again, and there is a no phone in school thing starting, so i dont know how active i will be these days, i might move it to new chapters on Sunday, and i will try to get back on here more hopefully,

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