Chapter 9-Sam

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"Are you sure about this?" I whispered as we rounded a corner. I have no idea how he even got me out of bed, how I even agreed to doing this. I was becoming mad!

"Oh, Samwise, it'll be great!" He whispered back to me, rounding another corner and into the kitchen.

A couple hours earlier

"We should do something." Gabriel suddenly said, breaking me from my thoughts.

"How do you mean?" I responded, not really caring, but I knew if I didn't answer, Gabriel would be 10 times more annoying then he already is about it.

"Like.. sneak into the kitchen and steal candy." He said, giggling to himself. He then got out of bed, not even waiting for my answer.

"They have candy in the kitchen?" I asked, still in my same crouched position.

"Of course they do!" Gabriel snorted, walking over to my bed with his IV. Just then, I could see how pale he really was as his face grew closer. His lips, however, were plump and still somewhat pink. I found my eyes lingering for longer than necessary.

I sighed. "Fine. But if we get caught, I'm throwing you under the bus." I replied, shakily standing up from my bed.

I found it hard to stand, but I had only been laying in the bed for a couple of days, but I guess a coma will make it hard to stand or walk in general.

But I willed my legs to move, to take shaky steps. I stayed upright, no matter how much my legs wanted to give out. Eventually, after walking around the room and Gabriel's insistent "Come oooooonnnn!"s, I was able to get my legs up and moving again so I can shut my annoying roommate up.

"Let's go!" He whisper-shouted excitedly. I didn't know what this kids deal was, but I could tell just from this little "adventure" of ours that he was a trouble maker. Great..

"Yeah, yeah, shut up." I huffed out in annoyance, following the short blonde out of the door and down the long, winding hallway. It was quiet this time of night, the halls empty.

"Nurse!" Gabriel whispered to me, pulling me into a random room and until the nurse walked by. He stifled a giggle, while I couldn't contain an eye roll.

Okay, so, the halls were mostly empty, and we turned corners, always being cautious of nurses or of doctors.

I began to grow weary and anxious as we saw one more nurse. I was scared of getting caught, I wasn't really a trouble maker like Gabriel, but here we were.

What am I doing!?

"Are you sure about this?" I whispered as we rounded a corner. I have no idea how he even got me out of bed, how I even agreed to doing this. I was becoming mad!

"Oh, Samwise, it'll be great!" He whispered back to me, rounding another corner and into the kitchen.

I just groaned quietly as we entered the empty kitchen, relief flooding me.

"Alright, mission; search for the candy." Gabriel said in a 'spy' voice, making the sound of a walkie talkie.

I had to roll my eyes again, but reply back with my own smile. "Copy that, over." I said, making the sound of a walkie talkie as well. And I beamed at the smile that crossed Gabriel's face. It wasn't a smirk, nor a grin, it wasn't cocky, it was genuine.

With that thought in mind, we continued into the kitchen, our footsteps making me cringe, but Gabriel didn't seem to care. Of course he didn't. He was care free, played by his own rules, maybe that's why I found him so annoying.

We searched through the cabinets, bending down low and once Gabriel even climbed into one of the cupboards. I laughed loudly as he got stuck, and I had to go over to help pull him out.

He laughed too, but not as loudly. His breathing became wheezy, but neither of us payed any mind to it as Gabriel opened a drawer and let out a soft 'yes' and pumped his fist in the air out of victory.

"I found it!" He whisper-shouted, and for a moment, I forgot we were trying to be sneaky and out loud said, "Awesome."

The sound of footsteps is what brought me back, and I looked at Gabriel with worry.

When the door finally opened, Gabriel quickly grabbed the bag of candy. "Run!" He yelled, dodging the nurse and bolting it out the door. I could hear his contagious laughter as his feet pitter-pattered against the cold tiles in the hospital.

The nurse tried to grab me, but I quickly dodged her to, giggling my way out of the door and running down and quickly catching up with Gabriel.

He was looking behind his shoulder, a bright and wide smile on his noticeably pale features. But I didn't mind it, I just couldn't tear my eyes away from his face.

His lips, curled in a smile that couldn't keep mine at bay. His eyes, crinkled in the corners from him smiling and laughing away. His voice, bubbly and bright despite his condition.

We turned a corner, and the his laughing turned wheezy, but it went unnoticeable by him. He still had the bag of candy clutched close to his chest, holding on for it like it was dear life or death.

"Gabriel!" The nurse yelled, following close behind us. He simply answered with a laugh, continuing to pump his small legs as quick as he could.

His wheezing got worse as we turned another corner, and suddenly, he began to cough. A painful, deep, low sound coming his chest.

He stopped, putting his hand on the wall, and I couldn't notice how far behind he was until he collapsed.

Blood spilled from his mouth as he coughed, the sound ripping through the halls.

"Gabriel!" I yelled, turning back quickly and running quickly towards him. I looked as his body wracked with sobs, the nurse calling out a code for help seeing as Gabriel's crouched position on the floor.

More blood spilled from his throat, and I'd never seen so much in my life.


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