"Your killing him"

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I looked down at the boy with heartbreak as dad pulls out the bullet fragments. The boy moved around crying."Dad."He sobbed I grabbed the boys hand.

"Honey, we're trying to help. I know it hurts."I tried to comfort him he shook his head tears in his eyes. My comforting failed.

I understood the boy he didn't know any of us all he knew was he felt pain and he probably thought we were the cause of it.

"Dad!"He shouted louder."Dad he losing to much blood."I stated looking over at dad who nodded in agreement.

"Maggie, go get Rick."Maggie opened the door of the room."Rick."The boys dad was quick to come into the room.
"He needs blood."I held the boy down as he wiggled around.

"You, hold him down."Dad asked the man in the black shirt to help hold him down."Grab the arms here."I said moving out of the way.

"Dad!"The boy shouted."I got him."The man holding him down said dad dug into the kid with the tools. I rushed over to Rick and grabbed his arm rubbing a wipe were his veins are.

The boy let out a blood hurling scream."Stop your killing him!"Rick yelled pulling away from me."Rick, do you want him to live?"Dad shouted back.

I grabbed the needle and looked up at Rick."He needs blood."I begged looking up at Rick if he doesn't do it soon he might not make it."Do it now!"The man holding the boy down screamed.

I pulled the man to me and tapped his arm to find the vein thank god I did. I stuck the need in his arm cloves on my hands. Once I was done I placed a Cotten over the wound and taped it on.

Then I noticed the boy stopped screaming. I looked down at the hopefully sleeping boy."Patricia, please take over."I begged. She did as told.

"He just past out."I sighed taking a breath out. I stepped out of the room and sat on one of the chairs and closed my eyes. This is so much different than taking care of the sick people.

This was a boy who needs are help. I rubbed my hand over my forehead gathering myself. This boy would be my first patient. If I fail him I don't know what I would do.

Rick stepped out of the closed door. I glanced over at Otis who sat next to me. My body straightened and I pushed myself closer to Rick who sat down.

"He's stable for now."The man in the black shirt said. I sighed."Lori has to be here Shane, she has to know."Rick looked up at the man I now know as Shane.

"Okay, I get that. I'm gonna handle it. You've got to handle your end."Rick looked up at Shane confused."My-My end?"He questioned.

"Your end is being here for your son."Shane kneeled in front of Rick."Even if he didn't need your blood to survive,  there's no way if ever let you walk out that door."

I looked down at the floor I felt like this was supposed to be a private conversation."Man, I'd break your legs if you tried. You know that, right?"

Rick looked down he was pale from taking blood and had red eyes from crying for hours."if something happened to him and you weren't here...."

I rolled my lips together that would have been my fault a doctors Job is to save their patients. I looked up at the two."if—if he slipped away."

Rick really wanted his wife here maybe I can go get her whatever she is. Sometimes when the people closest to you are hurt there love ones can keep them hanging on that's one way to help save this boy.

"While you were gone. You would never forgive yourself for that and neither would Lori, man."Rick held his eyes before he looked over at Shane and nodded.

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