"Go to town expert"

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The next morning we were collecting Rocks for Otis funeral. We did it in silence no one wanted to say anything it had been a long night of hearing Patrica crying.

I slept with her tonight to let her know she wasn't alone but she keep waking up from nightmares. I bent down and picked up a heavy rock and threw it in a wheelbarrow.

It had to be worse for Patricia Otais he was the love of her life. The sound of a motorcycle interrupted my thoughts. I l stood up from grabbing another Rock and looked at the road.

A motorcycle a car and A Rv could be seen on the road driving into My family's farm. I threw my last rock into the wheelbarrow before we made are way up to the house following the cars along the dirt road.

I stood next to Maggie who seemed to be checking out a guy on a motorcycle. I raised my eyebrow at her before looking at the old man."How is he?"The old man asked.

"He'll pull through, thanks to Hershel and his people."Lori said looking at all of us."and Shane. We'd have lost Carl if not for him."Rick added.

The group gave each other hugs."How it happen?"I looked around the group there were no other old men here? This must be Dale Glenn was talking about.

"A hunting accident That's all just a stupid accident."We spent the next hour introducing ourselves before we spent another thirty minutes Building a pile of rocks for Otis grave. We're all standing around are head low.

"Bless it be god."Dad read allowed out of a bible."Father of our lord Jesus Christ. Praise be to him."I walked up to the pile of rocks and put my own down."for the gift of our brother Otis."

I walked back over towards Maggie.
"For his span of years, for his abundance of character; Otis, who gave his life to save a child's, Now more then ever, our most precious asset."

I brought my hands together looking towards the ground."we thank you, God, for the peace he enjoys in your embrace. He died as he lived, in Grace."

"Shane."Dad spoke up looking up at the man who wore Otis clothes."Will you speak for Otis?"Dad question. I licked my lips and placed my hand on Maggie's back.

"I'm not good at it. I'm sorry."I begged him silently to do it not for me but for Patricia."you were the last one with him. You shared his final moments please."Patricia begged

"I need to hear I need to know his death had meaning."

I don't know how I feel about Shane he just has a vibe to him and I don't know if I like it or not."okay."Shane looked down.

"We were about done. Almost out of Ammo."I closed my eyes trying not to cry. I didn't even give him a proper goodbye before he left to the school I should have.....

"We were down to pistols by then. I was limping it was bad. Ankle all swollen up."this wasn't how it's supposed to be Otis was supposed to be here. I know he's not coming back but I want him here.

I looked up at the sky. I wonder if he's with momma right now. This was to save Carl a little boy got to live because of Otis's I will never forget what Otis did.

"We've got to save the boy. See, that's what he said."I looked at Shane his  features going still . I could have swore it  looked like he was having a flashback.

"He gave me his backpack. He shoved me ahead. Run, he said. He said, I'll take the rear I'll cover you."I put my hand over my mouth. The thought of him being tore up by the sick people. It's killing me.

"When I looked back...."Shane looked over at Patricia. I sniffed shaking my head. Otais was a great man. Shane moved towards the wheelbarrow.If not for Otis."He bent down and picked up a rock.

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