Prema Masterplan ✨

331 6 17

Arthur kicked Oscar

Arthur kicked Mick

Arthur kicked Logan

Arthur kicked Charles

Arthur: now that that's been done

Arthur: guys I have a perfect idea

Dennis: so we're obviously going to get in trouble / get hurt, awesome

Arthur: stfu 😃 so you guys know how people have like a 0.00001% chance of getting into F1 at this point?

Rob: tell me about it 🙄

Arthur: so how about we just raid the F1 group chat?

Olli: how would that even help us?

Dennis: I think they'd just lose hope in humanity and retire

Ollie: why would you give them brain damage, Arthur?

Kimi: and how would it even work?

Arthur: I'm a part of their groupchat, I can just add you guys

Fred: fair, that could maybe work

Paul: I mean what are they gonna do, kick me? I'm not a part of any academy anyways so

Lorenzo: I just know that this won't end well

F1 chat 🏎️

Zhou: guys it's almost my home GP 🤩🤩🤩

Valtteri: let's pray the pit stops won't fuck us over 🙏

Lando: it's rawe ceek guys

Oscar: don't you mean race week?

Lando: no

Lando: rawe ceek✨

Oscar: but that's not correct though

Lando: rawe ceek.

Arthur added Fred, Dennis, Rob, and 7 more

Logan: oh so that's why they kicked us out of the group chat

Alex: what group chat?

Oscar: a Prema group chat that was created a while ago by Robert

Oscar: god forbid Arthur gets admin

Arthur: hey guys have you missed me?

Charles: no

Arthur: 🖕

Dennis: I don't even know why I'm here

Callum: glad we're on the same page

Ollie: hey guys! (again 😅)

Charles: HI OLLIE! 👋




Ollie: good, I have a question to you though

Ollie: extremely important, crucial even

Ollie: what flavor ice creams do you sell?

Charles: oh, we have 3 flavors
1.: depression
2.: ferrari strategy
3.: pit stops

Carlos: the last one is recommended for Stake

Max: so basically, all 3 are shit?

Charles: no but it's the Ferrari effect

Kimi: the Tifosi will be happy

Dino: no Ferrari fan is ever happy Kimi

Pierre: that's the truth though

Carlos: Alpine is still worse

Ocon: that's really not an achievement for you guys

Yuki: not an achievement for anyone for that matter

Daniel: Alpine downfall???

Oscar: that already happened when they signed me 🤷🏻‍♂️

Alonso: 🤝

Fred: that tweet was iconic

Paul: I bet that a Prema F2 car could beat the Alpine F1 car

Ocon: that's not a guess man, that's a fact (unfortunately)

Dino: Prema F1 team 2025 confirmed???

Arthur: we need to start a petition for it or something

Marcus: no, the FIA wouldn't let that happen

Marcus: everyone knows that Prema would dominate the sport

Max: not on my watch

Callum: Max to Prema for 2029???

Lance: they'd be too powerful man 😔

Charles: Rob

Charles: when are we gonna do a song together?

Mick: what

Oscar: he actually raps


Rob: that actually sounds like a good idea Charles

Paul: we're getting a Robert - Charles collab before GTA 6, this is unbelievable

Dino: I volunteer to be a background dancer

George: what's going on

Dennis: what do you mean?

Lewis: it's literally 2AM, why are so many of you still awake?

Arthur: I'm bored 🤷🏻‍♂️

Lewis: I'm too tired for this, good night I guess??

Checo: actually, why are you guys here in this groupchat?

Arthur: we were bored

Dennis: *Arthur was bored

Kevin: you guys have time to be bored?

Nico: I'd rather be bored all day than drive the shitbox that Haas is 😐

Arthur: Really? 👀

Nico: yea?

Arthur: we could help with that 😁

Mick: you don't wanna go to Haas unless you want to develop depression, trust me

Kevin: can confirm 👍

Arthur: you guys are boring 😐

Lando: 💀

Arthur: I'm going to sleep 👋

Arthur kicked Fred, Dennis, Rob and 7 more


3rd day of posting a chapter every day, my update schedule is so healthy and consistent wow 😀 (it's like ~10:30 here)

Yea, this is all for now, see you guys next chapter!

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