𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐~🥀𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐨 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐭🥀

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"Fuck yes!" I yelled, grabbing my gun.

"C'mon let's go fuck shit up!" Blitzø yelled, running to get his grimiore.

He ran back in and summoned a glowing portal into the human realm.

"After you Millie...Moxxie...Y/N," he said escorting each of us through the portal.

"Be back in a bit Loony!" Blitzø yelled.

"Go fuck yourself!" I heard Loona's voice scream.

"Wow...she's pretty calm today, huh?" I said.

"Oh yeah, way better than yesterday," Blitzø said, jumping through the portal after me.


We arrive in the middle of a forest, ideal for hunting.

"Y/N, why don't you take care of this one?" Blitzø asked.

"Really? You mean it?"

"Yeah! Why not?"

I cracked my knuckles, limbering up. "So...who do we have to kill?" I asked, smirking.

"Well the client wanted some radio host dead."

"Pfft! A radio host? Easy-peasy!" I said, twirling my gun.

"That's the spirit!" Moxxie said, smiling at me.
"Shh! Keep your fucking voice down Mox!" Blitzø scolded, "he's coming!"

"S-sorry sir," he stuttered.

Blitzø dived towards a bush for cover. Moxxie, Millie, and I followed his lead.

I fixated down to my gun to re-load it.
"Is that him?" I heard Millie whisper.

I looked up to see a surprisingly handsome young man with tan skin, dark hair, and dashing brown eyes hidden behind circular glasses.


"Hm? What?" I said, falling out of my trance.

"You gonna kill him or...?"

"Oh, yes sir."

"Is someone there?" The man turned around towards the bush.

"Shit," I muttered.


I stood up to face him.
His eyes widened and I froze.


Blitzø held the gun up to his stomach.

The radio host looked down at Blitzø then at me, and expression on his face clearing saying, "why?"

Blitzø pulled the trigger, causing him to fall on his knees, grasping his now bleeding stomach.

Then he looked up at me with his dark, hateful eyes, meeting mine.

"I'm sorry" is what I wanted to say, but I couldn't get the words out.

He fell in the floor, lifeless.

"Haha! See you on the other side bitch!" Blitzø laughed, "it's alright Y/N, you'll get the next one," Blitzø said, attaching his gun back on his belt.

"Hm? Oh...yeah," I said.

"Are we sure that was the right person?" I heard Moxxie ask his boss, "he didn't seem all that bad."

"Well if that's what the client wanted," Millie said.

"Listen to your hoe Mox," Blitzø said, "speaking of which we better go meet our client now."

He summoned the grimiore and opened another portal, jumping through followed by Millie and Moxxie.

I glanced down at the radio host's corpse and shook my head, following my coworkers.



I'm excited to see how you all like the new upcoming chapters~!

I've also decided that at the end of every chapter I'll attach a fanart/meme cause why not? You can never have enough...

I've also decided that at the end of every chapter I'll attach a fanart/meme cause why not? You can never have enough

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Also one last note about my one-shot book I'll still be updating it often but maybe not everyday because (if everything goes as planned) there should be a new chapter of this book every other day.

But I'll still accept requests for now :3

Anywayssss stay tuned~

~earth_angel17 <3

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