Chapter Sixteen

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The elvish sorceress knew just what to do with the witch. Selene pointed her scepter at the witch and said the words to a spell to entrap the witch in a powerful magical prison. A black aura engulfed the witch, and she disappeared.

"Wow, where did she go?" Cadence asked.

"She's trapped in my stone," Selene said, pointing at the black stone on the top of her scepter.

In that moment, the fairy village reappeared, and all the fairies came rushing out of their homes, filling the darkness with their soft beautiful light. Their voices rang like hundreds of little bells. The fairies flitted about in celebration, spinning and dancing on the air.

The fairy queen came straight up to the princess. She tinkled her soft fairy words to Cadence.

"The queen says thank you for saving the fairy village from the witch," Cadence said.

"You're very welcome!" Golden Scale said. "We made a great team and defeated her together."

The fairy's voice filled the air with more tinkling bells.

"She says we can send the soldiers back home now. The witch is gone, their work is done," said Cadence.

"That's good news," said Felix, the wizard. "The soldiers can take you home, Princess Cadence."

"Aww, but I want to stay with the fairies," Cadence said, pouting in disappointment.

"We shall all stay for the night," said Selene, the elvish sorceress. "Tonight we celebrate."

The fairies all rushed to prepare the celebration. Fairies with blue butterfly wings brought buckets of cider, which made little tiny cups for all the people to drink. Fairies with golden firefly wings brought loaves of miniature brown sugar bread for everyone. And fairies with pink flower petal wings all brought out tiny little chocolate and vanilla cakes.

Selene smiled and waved her scepter, and all the people grew smaller and smaller until they were the size of all the fairies, and they could properly enjoy the celebration. The elf sorceress even shrank Golden Scale small enough to join in the festivities with them. They ate the sweet food and drank the apple cider while they laughed and celebrated with the fairies. Golden Scale was so pleased to get to try the delicious fairy bread. After the food, the fairies taught the people how to do their magical dances, and they flitted about to the time of their fairy flutes and lutes and drums. The fairies sang along, adding merry jingles to the music.

Golden Scale danced with the fairies, up in the air with his wings on the wind, and the fairies laughed like little bells as they watched him soar around. The fairy queen rode around on Yellow Feather as the bird flew along after Golden Scale. The bird familiar felt very important to be giving the queen a ride.

Tedric the dwarf fell over laughing at the celebrations. "We need to come back here on our way home," he said with a giant hiccup. "This is my new favorite place."

Even Windam the centaur seemed to relax and enjoy the festivities. A little fairy princess sat on his back and braided his long hair and his tail with starlight gemstones.

While everyone celebrated, the wizards learned a lesson in how to perform the invisibility enchantment. Of course, the wizards took this moment to study instead of have fun!

The celebrations lasted long into the night, until people grew weary and lay down in the moss and used fallen leaves as blankets. Then they drifted off to sleep listening to the fairy music.

Golden Scale found a nice open place to lay down and rest his head. It had been a busy day indeed, and he felt exhausted.

In the morning when they awoke, everyone found themselves enlarged back to their rightful size. Luckily Golden Scale hadn't squished anyone in his sleep!

Princess Cadence pleaded with the wizards to allow her to stay with the fairies. "Please let me stay! The soldiers can stay with me and keep me safe. I don't want to go home already..."

"I don't see why she couldn't stay a day or two and enjoy some more time with the fairies," Selene said.

Princess Cadence pointed at the sorceress and bounced on her toes in her pink slippers. She put her hands in front of her face in a pleading gesture. "Please!"

"I suppose," Felix said. "But! You had better take her home the day after tomorrow!" he added, pointing at the nearest soldier.

"Of course, my liege," the soldier said with a bow.

"And Cadence, no trying to change the soldier's minds now," Selene said. "You are going home the day after tomorrow. You cannot order them to allow you to remain here a day longer."

"Okay!" The princess smiled and let out a little giggle.

"Now, we must be off," Derrick said, gesturing to the party of nine. So the travelers gathered up their belongings, nodded their heads in goodbye to the fairies and went on their way.

And that is how the Queen's party of nine heroes and the Queen's hundred soldiers celebrated their victory over the witch.

And that is how the Queen's party of nine heroes and the Queen's hundred soldiers celebrated their victory over the witch

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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