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Tom's POV

Thanks to her, I can't go back to sleep. I swear this girl is one step away from being forced back into the living room. I don't know why I haven't kicked her out yet. Usually, I have no issue with getting rid of the girls that come over. Most of them come over for one thing and one thing only. They leave right after we finish what I brought them over here for, but there's a few girls who've put up a fight to not leave. I don't know what part of "one night stand" they don't understand. Literally it's so simple. We have sex, and then they go back to where they came from. I guess I haven't kicked her out yet because I feel bad for her situation and I know she has no street smarts.. she looks pretty vulnerable and naive. It's no telling what would happen to her if she was outside this late at night by herself. Just the thought of someone trying to take advantage of her makes my jaw clench. I start to scroll through my phone replying to some of the girls in my DM's. I haven't had sex in a week because of how busy I've been, and I'm really starting to get sick of it. Finding a girl to come over won't be a problem for me. If anything, that's the easiest part. The issue is finding the right girl. All the girls love me. I had one fan who asked me to breathe into a jar and seal it for her so she could have a souvenir. I need to stop doing these special requests from fans before someone makes a voodoo doll out of me or something.

While I'm scrolling through Instagram, I feel a lot of shuffling in the bed. I turn to my left, getting ready to ask her to cut it out. But I stop myself, because when I turn around it seems like she's having a nightmare. She mumbles a couple words in her sleep which makes me laugh because she doesn't know how goofy she looks right now. Seeing her like this reminds of the nightmares Bill would have when we were younger. We had a rough time at school, and his dreams about it didn't make it any better. When I could tell Bill was having a nightmare, I just wrapped my arm around him and he would calm down. I decided to do something similar with her. I scooted over a little to be closer to her and gently adjusted her head to where she was now laying on my chest. She calms down and wraps her arm around me while she sleeps. I look at her and smile. I place my phone on the nightstand, carefully lifting my arm so I don't wake her up, and I go to sleep.

Alena's POV

I'm waken up to a rough shake and see Tom in front of me. I look at him blankly while I try to recollect my thoughts and adjust to being awake. "What? Are you not going to call an Uber or something?" he says. "I can't." I mumble under my breath. He looks at me with a confused expression like he didn't just hear me. I say it a bit louder and explain to him I don't have enough money left on my card. He finds this amusing apparently and asks me what I spent it on. I look away from his eyes to avoid the embarrassment I'm about to feel, and I say "Shein." Tom's eyes widen and for some reason he finds this very amusing. I sit there with my arms crossed because me personally, I don't see what's so funny. Calming down from his laughter, he asks, "Why order cheap shit from Shein when I could just take you out to the best stores in LA? As long as you let me help pick out the clothes." I smile a bit imagining that actually happen. He interrupts my thoughts by saying, "I'll take you home on one condition. You have to come to my next concert, I wanna see you backstage after the show." I question him on how I'll be able to afford the tickets, but he tells me not to worry about money. He gives me a pass for free.

*slight time skip*

Tom pulls into the driveway of my house, still having one hand on the wheel while the other just taps against his side. I sit there for a minute in silence and Tom asks me what I'm so worried about. I explain to him that my mom is more than likely going to be upset with me for coming home a whole night after the concert, even though it was NOT my fault. He just looks at me. It feels like he's trying to figure out the right words to say. This silence is really stressing me out so I start rambling, "I know I shouldn't be this panicked about it because, it's not my fault, but maybe if my stupid sister picked me up like she was supposed to, I wouldn't be in this situation.. and I'm sorry for holding you up right now because I know you probably have stuff to do but my mom always-" I stop in the middle of my rant when I feel Tom's hand grab my neck, except he's gentle and not rough. He pulls me closer by my neck and presses his lips against mines, giving me one gentle kiss on the lips. He pulls away and I sit there in shock trying to process what just happened. I forgot what I was even complaining about. Tom looks over at me and says, "That should take your mind off it. I bet you don't even remember what you were worried about." To be honest, I don't remember for a second.

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