Chapter 7: The Time My Daughter Gave Me More Gray Hair

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*Obi-Wan's POV*

I wish I didn't have to leave Hope, but I need to find Anakin. Where in the world is he? I wonder the Mandalorian Palace until I come to the throne room and there is Anakin about to get his head cut clean off by VENTRESS. 

"So, you're the one who has caused all of this ruckus?" I ask in my most flirtatious voice as Ventress makes a "V" shape around Anakin's next with her lightsabers. 

"Are you really surprised Master Kenobi? I thought a great Jedi such as yourself would have used your detective skills to figure out I was behind this." Ventress says with her voice full of pride as she brings the lightsabers closer to Anakin's throat. 

"I didn't know that you were a part of death watch." I ponder aloud trying to distract Ventress from killing my old padawan. 

"My dear, Obi-Wan, I am not a part of those reckless hooligans. I am only working for them; they will give a hefty bounty if I kill the young duchess." Ventress explains as I try to keep my composure at the thought of killing my daughter. 

"Well, Ventress, congrats to your victory. My troops and I surrender to your takeover. I only ask that you release my fellow General, please." 

"What! Obi-Wan, have you lost your mind?" Anakin yells in horror as I give him a look to shut up and he thankfully does just that. 

"Wonderful, I thank you for cooperating with me. If you would please hand Duchess Hope over to me, I would greatly appreciate it! Only then will I release General Skywalker" She exclaims happily from her success. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a collogue of blue and blonde in the shadows. 

"Of course, I will send a few of my troops to collect her." I say as I raise my arm and tighten my hand into a fist that signals the troops to go outside to stay there. They all obey and walk outside to stand guard if I need them. 

"I appreciate it, General Kenobi. Here is your other General. To be completely honest, you have always been my favorite Jedi." Ventress says as she lets go of Anakin and he walks over to me. She then comes over to me and sexually moves her fingers down my lips. You have got to be kidding me! Satine, forgive me for what I am about to do. I give her my most sexy smile as I grab her by the waist and kiss her passionately. I imagine that I am kissing Satine instead of this bald bag of bones. Ventress then sticks her tongue in my mouth and I almost gag. Instead, I run my hand down her waist and grab her ass. Ventress moans in my mouth and I also pretend to moan in hers. She then jumps up and wraps her legs around my waist. She also presses herself against my dick. I feel bile rise up in my throat and I quickly swallow it down. 

"Not on my watch, bitch!" A young and feisty voice yells as I hear the ignition of a lightsaber as I feel Ventress getting thrown off of my lips. To my horror, Hope has a light blue lightsaber and is running straight towards Ventress. 

"HOPE! WHAT THE FUCK TO YOU THINK THAT YOU ARE DOING HERE?! I TOLD YOU TO STAY WITH SENATOR AMIDALA." I scream as Ventress angrily wipes the blood off of the side of her lip from Hope punching her face. 

"I couldn't just sit still and wait for you to save us." She explains as Ventress calls out a battle cry and runs toward the both of us. 

"And how did that work out for you?" I ask sarcastically as she blushes realizing that she acted rashly.  I block Ventress and step aside for Hope to attack as well. 

"Well, it's not going how I hoped but it's not going badly I would say." Hope says timidly and I almost roll my eyes at her rash actions. Ventress attacks at Hope again and I rush too help her. 

"Well, where is Senator Amidala? Please tell me you didn't leave her alone and in an unsecure location." I enquire as she rolls her eyes at me. 

"Master Kenobi, how could you think I would leave her in harm's way. Sometimes, I think you forget that I am the Duchess of Mandalore even at my young age." I tease slightly as Anakin finally gets over his shock and comes over to help us fight. 

"You know here's an idea, stop bickering with each other and fight the old bitch." Anakin says as he raises his blue lightsaber over his head as it comes crashing down on Ventress' red lightsaber. We all keep attacking Ventress with force and precision, but nothing seems to work. Then, miraculously, Hope does a force push towards Ventress, and it knocks her down. I can see Ventress' guard go down in those teal lifeless eyes. This is when I take my chance and disarm her of her lightsabers with her down and bring both to her neck in a threatening way. 

"You have lost, Ventress. Surrender!" I say forcefully with Anakin pointing his lightsaber at her to my right and Hope pointing her "stolen" one to my left. 

"NEVER! I WILL HAVE THE DUCHCESS OF MANDALORE FOR DEATH WATCH AND GET WHAT I AM OWED!" Ventress snarls at us with death in her teal eyes. 

"Well, sorry to disappoint, but I am staying right where I am bitch!" Hope says confidently as the troops take her away to the dungeon with a movement of my hand. 

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING, HOPE?" I screech at my daughter as she turns with her hands on her hips. 

"Um, I was thinking that I was saving your asses?" She says as I cross my arms over chest and roll my eyes.

"Everything was perfectly under control before you interrupted." I say as she laughs darkly and I am slightly worried because; I have only ever heard the laugh from her mother, and she was not happy then either.  

"Interrupted what? Your make-out session with that wench? Were you just getting with an old flame because you really didn't love me or my mother!" She cries as she storms out of the room with tears pricking her eyes. 

Anakin walks up to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. 

"Can you believe her?" I ask and Anakin shakes his head with amusement on his lips. 

"I can, actually." I give him a death glare and he hold his hands up in surrender. 

"I am only saying that she couldn't just sit there in that panic room and do nothing. I bet that stems from her losing her mother. She reminds me of you because you also have trouble staying put when you are ordered to stay away from the action." I cross my arms and then smirk to myself because Satine also had trouble with that. 

"Yes, but I know when to obey orders." I counter and Anakin nods in agreement. 

"That may be so, but she did see you making out with Ventress. She probably was shocked as the rest of us. Actually, how did you stomach that?" 

"Well, I did almost throw up, but that is not the point. The point is that she went back to being defensive." I explain.

"She was trying to protect her heart from that fact that her father loved her and still left her. It is easier that way, you know. I know all about this because my father left me and my mother. If you want, I can talk with her." Anakin explains a part of his darkest self and that's when I start to understand where Hope was coming from. I nod in agreement and smile at him. 

"How did you get so wise and mature so fast" I ask and Anakin grins as he walks towards the door. 

"I learned from you, master and also Padme." Anakin explains as he leaves the room probably to go check on Senator Amidala and I am stuck with my thoughts. I probably should go find Hope and explain. 

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