Too much texting

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*Online: Chase, Tracker*

Chase: Oh, hey Tracker

Tracker: Hola, Amigo

Chase: What are you up to?

Tracker: Herding animals right now

Chase: Sorry, WHAT?

Tracker: There was a stampede and now I have to herd these crazy animals 

Chase: And you're texting?

Tracker: Yea

Chase: Okay, just great

Tracker: I know

Chase: ...

(Marshall is online)

Chase: Hey, Marshall!

Marshall: Hi

Chase: What are you doing?

Marshall: Uhm, talking to you?

Chase: *facepalm* Yeah, I KNOW THAT!

Chase:: and?

Marshall: Lying down here on the grass

Chase: Wait, aren't you supposed to water the plants?

Marshall: I think Zuma did it already.

Chase: Ok...

(Carlos is online)

Marshall: Hi Carlos

Carlos: Hi pups...

Chase: Uh, Carlos, is Tracker texting and herding animals at the same time?

Carlos: Yeah, and I was gonna talk to him about that


Tracker: Yeah, yeah... I'm gettin' there

Chase: Oh great, Tracker!

(Tracker is typing...)

Marshall: O_O

Carlos: Oh my god, Tracker that's enough!!!

(Tracker is typing...)

Tracker: Wait, I can't keep up, these animals are too fast!

Chase: You're TEXTING, that's why!

Tracker: Oh...

Carlos: Just drop the phone now...

Tracker: But I'm almost done.


Chase: ...

(Tracker has gone offline)

Marshall: Okay

Chase: I guess he did drop it

Carlos: Actually... He really dropped it, and an elephant crushed his phone

Chase: Oof

Carlos: Sorry you had to read that, Pups.

Marshall: It's ok :)

(Ryder is online)

Ryder: There you are, Marshall! Did you water the plants yet?

Marshall: I thought Zuma did it already

Ryder: No. Zuma is not here.

Chase: Oh god, Marshall!

Marshall: Hehe, no I didn't water the plants.

Carlos: I think I'm gonna leave you all alone

(Carlos has gone offline)

Ryder: Marshall, that's enough with the phone. Water the plants now

Marshall: But...

Ryder: No buts! Now!

Marshall: I, uh... *runs off*

(Marshall is offline)

Chase: Oh boy -_-


(Ryder has gone offline)

(Skye is online)

Skye: CHASE?!?!

Chase: Eh, yes?

Skye: I've been trying to talk to you over here for like a day now. And you're just ignoring me and laughing on your phone.

Chase: What? You just came in

Skye: Right next to you

Chase: Oh no...

Chase: Skye, let me explain

Skye: No need

Skye: *snarls*

Chase: Uh...

Skye: Grrrr... This is what you get for ignoring me

Chase: Wait wait wait, I'm sorry, okay?

(Skye has gone offline)

Chase: I shouldn't have talked to her by text


(Chas has gone offline)

Skye has chased Chase all over the yard, furious after being ignored and Chase being addicted to his phone too much. Marshall, on the other hand, was running all over the place with Ryder by his tail.

Paw Patrol: TextingWhere stories live. Discover now