Blood of My Blood

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A/N: This was much easier to write, I swear the last chapter had been fighting me while this one just flowed into existence. Let's hope it continues that way.


November 9th, 1988

Harry is on the edge of his seat, almost vibrating out of his skin in excitement as Mr Wright tells Mr and Mrs Granger about magic. They had come over for lunch after school, the couple picking him and Hermione up while Mr Wright got everything ready at the house once he came back from work, and had lunch with Marie while Hermione talked about the work they'd done in class that day. Then they'd gone to the office – it wasn't drowning in books since Ms Chang gave Mr Wright that cool bag that never got full so they had chairs for everyone this time – and Mr Wright had started telling them that magic existed using moving drawings and flying toys just like Harry had done with Hermione.

Mr and Mrs Granger are shocked, but it isn't like they can explain away the magic so they have to believe it. They ask why Mr Wright is telling them this and Harry can't help but blurt out that it's because Hermione is magical like him – she's a witch! – and then his best friend takes over, telling them all the magic she's done before and how everyone else who saw it forgot about it.

"It's called being obliviated," Mr Wright explains when they ask about it, "They make non-magical people," Harry notices Mr Wright doesn't call them muggles like he's heard wizards do before but he doesn't mind, he doesn't like the word much either. Just like squib , it sounds like a bad word, something Dudley and his friends might have called him, "forget about these incidents to preserve the Statute of Secrecy. I've been studying their laws-"

"Of course you have," Mr Granger sounds like he thinks it's funny and Hermione sits up straight the way Harry's seen her do in class every time they start on a new subject, and he just knows she'll be making him read the magic law books with her and tell her anything Mr Wright explained to him already.

The adults keep talking some more but Harry keeps looking at Hermione, who's shifting on her feet and looking excited and nervous at the same time. He holds his breath when she asks her parents if they hate her now that she's a witch, but they only hug her and tell her they love her. They don't call her a freak, or a burden, or say she should have died – like your drunkard parents- no, they're happy for her.

They hug her like Mr Wright hugs him when he's scared he's done something wrong and he'll realize Harry's not worth it and send him back.

The Dursleys were never normal, were they?


November 13th, 1988

"I'll have full control over the appointment of a magical guardian, then?" Michael asks for clarification as they sit in Chang's office.

They had scheduled the blood adoption for that Sunday afternoon and decided to spend the morning at the Chang household, especially since it would be providing him with three of his five witnesses. Lunch had been a quiet affair, especially with Chris locked in his studio apparently working on a piece none of them were allowed to see, and they'd let the children have fun in the flying room while retiring to Chang's office to discuss what would happen after the adoption.

"Yes," she replies while leafing through some files, "as a squib, you won't have most of the benefits a wix would receive in your position, which honestly makes it look better from the outside. As Harry's father, you'll be able to appoint and appeal any magical guardian of your choosing, as well as have access to most assets in his name and the power to manage them accordingly. You won't be able to claim his Wizengamot seat, but it will be your duty to appoint a proxy and set them in a general voting direction if you don't plan to take a more hands-on approach to their policies." Her tone makes it clear that the latter is the more advisable option.

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