Unexpected Inheritances

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A/N: No need to fret, this isn't about to become a Harry-million-titles-and-lordships-Potter fic, I promise XD At least that's not currently on my plans.


November 22nd, 1988

Harry tries to pay more attention during this visit to Gringotts, feeling less scared to be recognised now that his hair is a bright blond and his eyes blue. He still can't really manage something he hasn't seen before but copying people he knows - Mr Wright's eyes and hair or Mr Chris' like he's done this time - feels a little easier whenever he tries. He still wants to turn his hair blue to surprise Hermione during their trip to Diagon next weekend, but maybe he'll settle for making himself look like her instead.

Holding his dad's hand through the crowd, they walk past the goblin they trade non-magical money with and head for one of the ones in the back. He doesn't hear exactly what they say, but they get guided to a room like the one where they did the first blood test, though the desk inside is much bigger and there's already a goblin in there.

He bows in greeting along with his dad and they get a nod in return. "I am Relret, the Potter House manager, take a seat," the goblin motions at the chairs facing the desk and they move to take their seats. "Documents?" a clawed hand extends towards them.

"Here," Mr Wright grabs a huge stack of papers from his messenger bag - how did it all fit in there? - and separates it into three piles on top of the desk, "The adoption certificate, muggle and magical, a copy of the magic guardianship papers that were submitted yesterday, the Stewardship authorisation form signed by Harry, his bloodline test result and the healer's notes on it for inheritance checks, the signed ward-renewal request forms for the Potter properties and- well, these are for the Black account manager," he corrects himself and stores those back, though Harry's already lost track of which pile is which.

That's a lot of paperwork, he thinks to himself, glad he doesn't have to do any of it even if Mr Wright did explain it all before they came to the bank.

The goblin hums - though it could have been a small growl - and pulls the papers closer, looking them over in silence before nodding, "All seems to be in order, I'll have you registered as the Steward of the House of Potter and forward the necessary information by owl unless you'd rather wait for it." Harry thinks that by the goblin's tone, the wait might be a long one.

"I actually added my letterbox number at the bottom of the files," Dad tells the goblin who just nods at that, "But what I came to request, as Harry's official guardian, is access to the Potter wills. I was led to believe they have yet to be read?"

Harry looks between Mr Wright and the goblin nervously when the latter just stares for a bit, but Mr Relret just huffs and starts looking through the drawers on the desk, pulling out a piece of parchment a moment after, "Here, these are the steps to request and schedule a will reading, about time someone took care of it," the last part is muttered under the goblin's breath but Harry still catches it and frowns. It's not his dad's fault that he didn't have an official guardian before! "Will you be taking the heirship ring?"

"Yes," Mr Wright replies, "and a meeting with the Black House manager if possible."

Harry waits until the goblin nods and hops out of his chair, walking out of the room and leaving them alone inside, before speaking, "What's a ring for?"

He doesn't really mind jewellery, Hermione wears earrings and he's seen teachers at school with necklaces, bracelets and rings too, but most of them were girls and the boys only wore the marriage rings, and he's not about to get married. Right?

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