The Warlock, The Wizard and The Wand

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A/N: I said I wasn't writing the Granger outing but I'm a lying liar who lies so enjoy XD


Harry's surprised when Mr Wright tells him they're meeting the Grangers, not because he didn't know but because he thought it had been cancelled or something after the last few days. He still gets ready and sits quietly in the car while they drive to the right street, and when Dad reminds him to get in disguise, he changes his hair and eyes to something he's been practising for a while. Hermione's high-pitched squeal when she sees his hair – longer, slightly lighter brown, and as curly as hers – hurts his ears but he's grinning too hard to mind it when she says he looks like he could be her brother, especially since his eyes are also dark brown.

She asks how he does it and sighs when he tells her it's a bloodline thing and not every wix can do it, but Mr Wright distracts her by saying that if she gets good at transfiguration when they go to magic school, she can do the same too. They don't ask why he's in disguise since Harry explained to Hermione that he's sort of famous because of how his parents died and he didn't, and she probably told her parents too.

Showing Diagon Alley to Hermione almost makes Harry forget how Mr Wright had vanished into his office for almost three days. His best friend squeezes his hand so tight it kind of hurts and she's got the biggest grin on her face, her head swinging from one side to the other like she's trying not to miss anything while they walk to the bank. Mr Granger almost picks her up to keep her from dragging them to Flourish and Blotts, and she asks so many questions that he's not even sure how his dad is managing to answer them all.

Harry pokes her side so she bows back to the goblins at the door – she does it but immediately asks why they do that and Harry struggles through explaining that it's just a thing they do because it's polite, like their version of shaking hands – and Mr Wright leaves them with a teller to exchange non-magical money for the magic kind while he goes somewhere – he doesn't tell and Harry doesn't ask, figuring he's got a vault by now and maybe went to get some money to spend – before coming back a few minutes later.

Hermione wants to rush to the books, Mrs Granger wants to stop at a little jewellery stall and Mr Granger is curious about the potions shop, but they compromise on going from the closest to the bank to the furthest. That leaves the bookshop for last, which makes Hermione pout, but she gets distracted by the potions a few minutes later, asking questions faster than Harry can even think about the answers.

Mr Wright keeps answering them, and it makes sense with all the books he's been reading since finding out about magic, though Harry didn't know he'd read about potions too besides all the law books Ms Lei gave him. He pays attention to all of it, though he knows he'll forget some by the time he actually needs to know this stuff in school, and tries not to laugh when his dad gets into an argument – a polite one, not anything like Uncle Vernon might have done – with one of the other people buying from the store. The man's got a crooked-looking face and hair tied in a low ponytail like some girls do – or like Mr Malfoy if he tied his hair, though not nearly as long – and looks like he's even enjoying the argument, though Hermione interrupts it with a question that makes the man give her an annoyed look and they end up leaving not long after.

Harry points out Pilliwinkle's Playthings to Hermione, telling her it's where he got the toy dragon and the magic train set, so they stop by the store to take a look. He knows she likes books more than toys, so he's a bit surprised when she buys a stuffed black cat, though it's a moving one and when she holds it out telling him to feel the fur, he pets its head and the toy starts purring. Cool. Harry leaves the store with another stuffed dragon, one that spits fire except it's just colourful smoke, a gift from Mr Wright who didn't want Pearl – who got her name because she reminded him of one of Aunt Petunia's necklaces – to be lonely. This dragon is bigger than Pearl though, and dark brown nearly black, so Harry calls him Brownie. It makes Mr Wright chuckle for some reason.

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