[I] Satoru Gojo // 𝐉𝐄𝐀𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐘 [🌶️]

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(All 4 parts never specify reader's gender)

[Trying to make you jealous is not a good idea

—> They make you jealous, you make them beg.]

S. Gojo

☆ S. Geto

☆ Toji Fushiguro

☆ R. Sukuna



The bastard's a lil' shit, of course somewhere in that combobulated brain of his he thought it was a good idea to make you envious

You were always so busy with work— what even were you doing anyways-? Surely it couldn't be anything nearly as important as giving Satoru your attention— he was your boyfriend after all, your one and only

He's rich enough to provide for the both of you, something he's brought up to you numerous times, only to be refused. Even if Satoru had more than enough money, his time was split quite unevenly between you and his career,— something that frustrated both of you to no end. You needed something to do while he was away most of the time.

Satoru is annoyingly good at making his wants crystal clear; but when it comes to those deeper emotions, he struggles admitting when he's dependent. You wanted to be invested in your job? Fine then, not like Satoru cared, he had his own job to attend to anyways.

Continuously shoving yours and his needs aside, he began to experience withdrawal from your presence. He missed your touch, your voice, your loving gaze,— and it showed

Everything blew up in Satoru's face when he got a lil' too pent up fighting the Special Grade, Jogo: why the actual fuck was he giving that cyclops his loving eyes?? It should be you enlisting such excited noises from his pretty lips, not the goddamn volcano bastard. He let down his infinity to hold his hand. You can't remember the last time he held your hand— he was even starting to put up infinity around you of all people, and it hurt you to no end.

"That fucking bastard..."

Getting home rather late, your keys jammed into the keyhole, jiggling the lock open. Borderline kicking the door down, you storm into the apartment. Satoru's head immediately shoots up at the noise, having previously just been napping peacefully. He still had that stupid blind fold on.

You don't even bother taking your shoes off before making a beeline for his space on the sofa, grabbing him under the arms and roughly tugging him upwards. Manhandling him against the wall before he could even react— slamming your lips onto his, your tongue shoving itself deep inside his mouth

And now here he was, the Strongest, the untouchable Satoru Gojo on his knees at your feet, beautiful blue eyes glassy with tears, bottom lip quivering. He looked pathetic, all naked and bared to you, all flawless pale skin and defined muscle. His body was sculpted by the Gods themselves,— and here he was, saccharine voice shakily begging for your touch.


"Please what? Use your words, Satoru"

"Please touch me.-! *hic* I.—I need you—"

"Mmm..." you hummed, "sure didn't seem like it..."

His gorgeous blue eyes widen, "I..-I..."

Grinning, "Say it, Toru. Tell me what you really want"

"You!" He sobs, head dropping down onto your bare thigh, "All I want is you.! Please,.. *hic* touch me..."

Your eyes narrow, "perhaps you should've thought more before giving some fucking curse bedroom eyes." You spat acid, the words making Satoru wince

His sobs quieted, his muscular arms clinging desperately to your legs, criss crossed on the bed, "M' sorry... so sorry..."

Gently running your hands through his snowy hair, Satoru inhales sharply, lips trailing light kisses along your thighs, whispering the next words into your skin,

"Jus' wanted your attention... jus' wanted you to look at me again..."

You sigh, smiling kindly, tilting his upwards to meet your gaze. Using your thumbs you wipe the tears from his cloudy eyes, placing a soft kiss on his forehead.

He smiles back weakly, happy to finally just have your attention on him and solely him.


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