☆ admirer . KAZUHA

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• requested genre : fluff pairing : kazuha x reader

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genre : fluff
pairing : kazuha x reader

[name] sighed as she zipped her bag to grab her laptop , it was evening and she already felt beat up

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[name] sighed as she zipped her bag to grab her laptop , it was evening and she already felt beat up . school was not for the weak ... and she is the weak . however she thought staying at this café would help her feel better .

it was newly opened and had this welcomey-cottage-home feel to it . the cafe had a scent similar to cinnamon , it smelled cute and sweet ? if that was even possible .

while she did stay for the work and missing assignments she'd been procrastinating on ... she eyed the male barista in her peripheral vision . he was eye candy ,

slight tattoos on his wrist as well as some hair ties and a white bracelet , his hair tied into a low ponytail , his ears pierced with earrings that had a chain , his nails were painted red and he had such a soft sweet husky voice . despite his look he always had such a subtle smile and greeted people with such charm .

now that she thinks about it ... everyone working here was attractive . 4NMEO was really a café for the girls ...

"i can't help but feel like he's familiar ." [name] sighed out , squinting to get a look at his nametag it read: 'KAEDAHARA <3' . 'even doodled a heart .. how friendly .' she smiled to herself .

'i want his number ...' [name] could only huff , she knew that a guy like that was way out of her league . she stirred her drink with the straw .

"you're sighing quite a bit ." a voice interrupted her thoughts , [name] jumped . sitting in front of her was said kaedehara .

"w — what ? oh , yeah .." [name] awkwardly agreed , 'why'd i stutter damnit ghhhhrr .' mentally she slapped herself repeatedly .

however the man she's been gawking at for the past week was sitting across from her , she sipped her drink . taking the courage to glance up , oh how his red eyes were just highlighted with gold in the window light .

she couldn't help but scream inside , 'he's so pretty .' she thought . the way his hair looked so soft and fluffy ... god maybe he even took care of his hair better than her . she set down her cup , 'what a moment .' she lowered her head smiling crazily .

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 ! . ☆𝗀𝖾𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗇Where stories live. Discover now