☆︎ injured . KAZUHA

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• requested genre : fluff pairing : kazuha x reader + warning ! : mentions of injury :(

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genre : fluff
pairing : kazuha x reader
+ warning ! : mentions of injury :(

• requested genre : fluff pairing : kazuha x reader + warning ! : mentions of injury :(

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"kazuha !" she whispered , "what are you doing up so late ?" [name] huffed . marching toward the boy , he was sitting near the end of the ship . holding a leaf — twiddling with it his fingers motioning smoothly .

"ah .. [name] ." he softly called out , turning his head to her , he shot her a soft smile . proceeding to turn back to the water which reflected the moonlight . "i needed a fresh breath of air ." he replied .

[name] crossed her arms , "well you should be careful ." she cooed , taking a sit near him . "do you even know how to swim ?" she teased .

kazuha pouted , "of course i do ."

[name] laughed — "i'll see you tomorrow then ." she brushed off the dirt yet a hand grasped her wrist ,

"could you .. stay ?" kazuha whispered , his eyes whining for her presence . [name] looked conflicted gesturing her hand and placing it on top of his , massaging it softly . she felt the night getting to her .

"i'll stay with you tomorrow kazu ." she smiled . kazuha's eyes softened more ,

"alright ." he said , letting her go and turning back to the water .

"kazuha !" beidou chirped , "you're up early !" she hollered , laughing and taking a sip of her drink .

kazuha laughed softly , "i suppose ." the two talked and laughed — he told her what happened and she began to fill him in on her ... odd dream .

"so , when are you gonna tell [name] the deets ?" beidou nudged , kazuha's ears burned a bright red yet he tried his best to cover it with his hair .

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒 ! . ☆𝗀𝖾𝗇𝗌𝗁𝗂𝗇Where stories live. Discover now