Chapter 5

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-In the real world-

Readers pov

I was walking with Kaede and Risa to school. "So how did the event go with you guys." I said looking at them. "It went great we were able to friend someone." Kaede said. "What about you." Risa said. "Me and Kaoru same." I said. "I'll say this Kaede don't bring your in game habits to reality." Risa said. "Don't worry Risa I'll be okay." Kaede said. "I think I agree with Risa with that." I said. "Come on (y/n) what's the worst that could happen." Kaede said.

As the day progressed on Kaede was soon showing her in game habits like her fast reactions and other habits that has happened to her in game.

-In the game world-

I spawned in seeing Kaoru there with Aki and a person next to her.

I spawned in seeing Kaoru there with Aki and a person next to her

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"Blake." Aki said as Kaoru and the person next to Aki looked at me. "So your Blake." The male looked at me. "So your Jun." I assumed as he nodded. "I thank you for helping Aki in that event." Jun said with a slight bow. "It's nothing." I said. "Hey (y/n) also Jun told me about this bug we can catch and if we can do we can purchase a guild house." Kaoru said as I looked at Jun. "Kaoru captured it we waited for you to go guild house shopping." Jun said. "Alright the let's go looking." Kaoru said as we went to look for a guild house.

Third person

The four of them went around town looking for guild houses seeing some taken and some above the price range. "Man how can guild houses be this expensive." Kaoru said. "They're suppose to house many members. Especially those like the Flame emperors and Order of the holy sword." Jun said. "I've only seen one of their leaders before the second event the red head one." Blake said. "You mean Mii otherwise known as the flame empress." Jun said. "So you've heard of her." Blake said. "Me and Jun saw the first event even seeing the two three player with your name on it." Aki said. "Even with your master of the elemental dragon you counter Mii." Jun said.

"Since I can absorb the elements." Blake said as Jun nodded. "The administrators might nerf your abilities but they're also concerned about another player maple." Jun said "I know her she's a friend of mine." Blake said. "You two might be the biggest targets when patches roll out." Jun said. "Even so they kept the game entertaining making some boss encounters challenging." Blake said. "Aki told me about the boss King of the storms." Blake nodded. "Knowing the administrators they want this game to last which is why they took time to design bosses trying to make the game interesting." Jun said

They kept walking soon hitting the forest as Blake saw a pathway of stairs leading up. She decided to walk the path which caught Aki's attention. "Blake." Aki said which caught Kaoru and Jun's attention. "We should follow her." Jun said as they followed which led to a stony path seeing the building surrounding a lake.

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