Chapter 12 Hiding in plain sight

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Battered and bruised, Liam and Elise pressed on through the dense forest, their hearts pounding with the fear of pursuit. They knew that the King's guards were relentless, and that they could not afford to be caught.

As they trudged through the undergrowth, Elise's eyes fell upon a small, dilapidated cottage nestled among the trees. An idea began to form in her mind.

"Liam, look," she whispered, tugging on his sleeve. "That cottage, it may provide us with the shelter we need."

Liam followed her gaze, his brow furrowing in thought. "But what if it is occupied? We cannot risk being discovered."

Elise's eyes gleamed with determination. "Then we shall have to disguise ourselves, to blend in with the common folk. Surely the King's guards will not think to look for a princess and her commoner lover in such a humble abode."

Liam's lips curled into a wry smile. "My love, you never cease to amaze me. Let us make haste, then, before the guards catch our trail."

They approached the cottage cautiously, their senses on high alert for any sign of life. To their relief, the small dwelling appeared to be abandoned, its windows dark and its door hanging ajar.

Elise's heart raced as they stepped inside, the musty air filling their lungs. "We must find something to disguise ourselves, Liam. Quickly, before the guards arrive."

They rummaged through the meager belongings left behind, their fingers trembling as they searched for anything that could conceal their true identities. Elise's eyes lit up as she unearthed a pair of worn, tattered cloaks, their hoods large enough to obscure their faces.

"Here, Liam," she whispered, handing him one of the cloaks. "Put this on, and keep your head down. We must look like common folk, not the runaway princess and her lover."

Liam nodded, his expression grim as he pulled the cloak over his shoulders. "And what of you, my love? Surely the guards will recognize you, even in this humble abode."

Elise's lips curved into a determined smile. "Then I shall have to hide my face as well. We are in this together, Liam, and we shall face whatever comes our way, side by side."

With their disguises in place, they hunkered down in the small cottage, their senses on high alert for any sign of the approaching guards. The sound of hoofbeats in the distance sent a chill down their spines, and they held their breath, praying that their ruse would hold.

As the thundering hooves grew closer, Elise reached for Liam's hand, her fingers intertwining with his. "Whatever happens, my love, know that I am with you, always."

Liam squeezed her hand, his gaze unwavering. "And I, with you. We shall face this together, no matter the cost."

The sound of the guards grew louder, and Liam and Elise braced themselves for the confrontation that was to come, their hearts pounding with a mixture of fear and determination.

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