Chapter 17 Sacrificing everything

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Liam knew the moment of reckoning had arrived. After making the dangerous bargain with the bandit leader to secure a safe haven for himself and Elise, he now faced an even greater sacrifice.

The king's men had finally tracked them down, surrounding the bandit's lair in the forest. Liam and Elise watched in horror as the soldiers prepared to storm the camp, intent on capturing the princess and punishing the outlaws.

Liam realized that the only way to protect Elise was to turn himself over to the king's men. If he surrendered, they might spare Elise and the other bandits. But he also knew that his sacrifice would likely mean his own death.

Steeling his resolve, Liam approached Elise, his eyes filled with a mixture of love and sorrow. "My darling, I must do what I must to keep you safe," he said, his voice trembling. "I'm going to turn myself in to the king's men."

Elise's eyes widened in horror, and she frantically tried to dissuade him. "No, Liam! You can't do this. They'll kill you!" she cried, clinging to him desperately.

But Liam was unyielding. "It's the only way, my love. I've made my choice, and I don't regret it. You must live, even if I cannot be by your side."

With a heavy heart, Liam stepped out of the bandit's camp, his hands raised in surrender. The king's soldiers seized him, and Elise watched in anguish as they dragged him away, her cries echoing through the forest.

Liam's ultimate sacrifice had saved Elise and the other bandits, but at the cost of his own life. As he was led to his fate, he took solace in the knowledge that Elise was safe, and that their love would live on, even if he could not.

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