Chapter 16 Dangerous Bargain

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One day, while resting in a small village, they heard whispers of a notorious bandit leader who was rumored to have a safe haven deep in the forest. The bandits were said to offer protection to those willing to join their ranks.

Liam and Elise looked at each other, both knowing the risks involved, but also realizing they had few other options. Desperate to find a place to call home and live in peace, they made the dangerous decision to seek out the bandit leader.

With trepidation, they ventured into the dense forest, following the rumors and vague directions they had gathered. After days of treacherous travel, they finally came upon the bandit's lair - a hidden encampment guarded by fierce-looking men.

Liam and Elise approached the camp, their hearts pounding, and made their plea to the bandit leader. They offered their skills and loyalty in exchange for the promise of sanctuary and protection from the king's men.

The bandit leader, a grizzled and imposing figure, listened to their story with a calculating gaze. He knew the risks of harboring the fugitive princess and her commoner lover, but the prospect of gaining new recruits was enticing.

After a tense negotiation, the bandit leader agreed to their bargain. Liam and Elise would join his band of outlaws, contributing their abilities to the group's activities, in return for a safe haven and the assurance that the king's men would never find them.

With a mixture of relief and trepidation, Liam and Elise sealed the dangerous bargain, fully aware that they were trading one form of captivity for another. But for now, it was the only way they could ensure their freedom and build a life together, no matter the cost.

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