summer rose-a cheerful and shy innocent girl that moved away from her childhood best friend
Reid Cillian-dark and popular jock that haven't had contact with summer in 3 years
what happens when summer comes to stay with them for the school year? Read...
Here I am surrounded by a beautiful rainforest with a flowy white dress, my feet touches the wet green grass, hearing the sounds of the waterfall that calms my nerves I look up at him with a white suit on with his curly black hair
With tattoos that's not covered up,with a smile on his face having his hand out for me waiting for me to come.
I walk toward him a bright smile on my face continue to walk and walk until we are touching faces
All he does is look into my eyes and continue to smile at me,his head started to lean in to me
Is he going to kiss me??
He gets closer and.....
Damn It was a dream...
I woke and take in my surrounding and look at the time
2 hours of sleep I gotten,I hurried and brush my teeth and put on an outift
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I never really cared for my appearance but when my friends helped me when my look they helped my find aesthetic
The more I got into the style streetwear the more I loved it, I saved up in the summer to buy multiple shoes for my collection.
I fixed my straighten hair and put on my shoes and marched my way downstairs
They were all waiting for me
"where your mom "I say confused
"your riding with us, lets go princess "Ryder say excitedly
Reid glared at him but didn't say anything and continued to make out way into the car
We arrived at the school with a comfortable quietness reid opened the door for me I whixpers thank you a kept walking
All eyes was on us...
Everybody was looking at all 5 us as we enter the building
As we go out separate ways I asked reid to guide me to the front office so I can get my schedule
He silent nodded as we walk..
"this is your new school,lets hope you don't ignore me here"he says as he leave once I was at the front office
I was cut off at what he said "wait" I said hoping he would stop but he didn't...
After I was done getting my stuff ready I walked in class and the room fell silent
"you must be summer "the old bald man said... I nodded my head
"well take a seat "my eyes search the room and Reid was their with his head turned to me and his friends
"here summer" Reid said as he pushes the chair that was next to him toward me "thanks I guess"
Once I sat down Reid pulls my chair closer to him away from his friends
lowkey not mad at that....
More eyes were on me but only girls,mean looking stares coming for me
Clearly this was a free period since everybody was laughing and chatting and the bald man was dead asleep.
After the bell had rung I gotten up to find my next class, and Reid was right Infront of me, he reached for my bag and slung it on his shoulders
He started to follow me to my next class, as I'm walking through the halls everyone was looking at us
As I made it he out my bag back on my shoulders and left without saying a word.
I sat like everyone else and started to pull out my supplies
A 2 girls was right next me
"hi,what your name?"one said as she smiles in my face
"summer "I said excitedly
"your really pretty "the other girl said "im Brittany, her name is Kyla "she says pointing to the other girl
As we started having conversation, and it was going pretty well "so are you and Reid dating "she started to say as she look intriguing "um no, nowhere near close"
"damn girl, so why is he always following you" Kyla says "I'm just staying with them for the school year we are just friends" I say to look slightly convincing."
"I guess but I'm not leaving that "she laughing hoping she will change the subject
Few minutes go by with complete silence "omg you should join the cheerleading team" really I said as my eyes pop
I never really wanted to cheer or anything I was always passionate about soccer
If I'm beening honest I would only think of it when I think about Reid and me cheering him on