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"The birth of destruction is near!" The demon laughed maniacally.

His heart pumped fast once he heard the demon's words. The thought of the birth of destruction made his mind immediately go to Aneira. He was so worried, what if she had unleashed her full powers and became a weapon without remembering who she was? The demon king's summon was the start of the events that would lead to her becoming something more. He wanted to find her right away... but who knew how far she was. He had to find Aneira, that was his first priority. He couldn't afford to be distracted by these demons, it was her he was searching for. The fact that the birth of destruction was near and the sudden appearance of wild demons was a clear sign that the seal to her powers was slowly weakening. She might soon wake up and when she does, she might not recognize him anymore. Noe shook it off and prayed for her safety. The atmosphere is getting thicker and darker, more demons going wild.

He finished off a demon he was chasing, then a demon servant appeared in front of him, all injured and barely alive. His breath hitched when the sight of the demon servant caught his attention. It was clearly Aneira's servant, and to see it here in this condition was something that scared him. He approached the barely alive servant, a worried expression on his face.

"What happened to you?" He asked softly, crouching down to take a closer look.

"The destruction is near, she'll be awakened by force. They found out that I was betraying his highness. They almost killed me for disobeying and escaped." The servant weakly muttered.

"Awakened by force?" He repeated the words the servant said. Aneira was not just going to wake up, she was going to be forced into awakening her powers. The thought of it terrified him. She was innocent, gentle and naive. The idea of her being forced into becoming an annihilator was nothing but a horrifying thought for him. He felt his heart rate increase.

"Where is she?"

"Back at the demon world, I can take you, stop her whatever it is." The injured servant stood up and held Noe's arm before falling into the shadow.

They appeared into a distorted space, the demon world, the center of this world is the castle where the king and Aneira is currently. His heart was racing as he felt himself be pulled into a distorted space. The thought that he was now at the center of the demon world, the very world that he feared the most. It was the place where the demonic beings thrived and lived without restriction. The thought of being in the same place where Aneira was currently at, made his blood run cold.

"Hurry." He mumbled to the servant, anxious to reach Aneira's presence. The fact that he was there to stop whatever was happening with her, made him feel a sense of responsibility.

A bunch of demons were guarding the corridor, the injured servant stepped in and supported Noe.

"Go! Find her! I'll cover for you!" The servant yelled urgently, he may not last long.

"Thank you." He said before parting ways with the servant. He ran down the corridor as fast as he could, running past the bunch of demons that were trying to stop him. There was no time to spend, he had to find her as soon as possible, before the seal to her power broke and her memories got fully unsealed.

He didn't want to think about what would happen if her memories returned... What if she didn't recognize him anymore? The thought was enough to send chills down his spine.

Noe found a grand door at the end of the corridor and entered it without thinking. There he found her standing lost in the middle of the throne room. Aneira looked at him surprised to see him here.

"M-mister? What are you doing here in the demon world? How did you get here?" She asked as she rushed to him.

The sight of her was more than enough to make him come to a halt. She looked beautiful and innocent as usual, the fact that she asked the question so innocently, without realizing what was to happen next, was enough to send chills down his spine. Was she... still oblivious to what was happening around her?

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