Chapter 4 (Overture)

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⚠️Swearing ⚠️


I was walking past Charlie and Vaggie and Alastor hearing him bitch about the TV. Really, he needs to stop saying that I know he doesn't like Vox. but really was not in the mood "Oh Y/N I am happy you made it safe are you ok" Charlie asked "Yeah I find nothing me, sisters and mum can do it is just fine" I said. I really don't want to talk about it. and that is when angel said "If'n you're filming a commercial, can I suggest you take better advantage of the talented celebrity you have right here?" as he was doing that Angel takes a bottle with one arm before pointing all three arms at himself, but Vaggie doesn't like it. And she looked like she was done with life looking at Angel and said "Angel, you're a porn star." "A famous porn star. I'll have the horniest sinners knocking these walls down to get in."

"We are not filming a porn as a commercial." Angel really was not going to tack no. "Why not? Sex sells, doesn't it? I swear if you film me goin' at it with mister fancy talk-creepy voice here, you'd be rollin' in participants willing to stay at this tacky hotel.'' Now he was pushing it. Alastor is not about Sex like really it is not that he doesn't like it. It is just not the first thing he thinks about it.

A/n this is just the best way I think fits him. If I am wrong please tell me and please don't mean it. Thank you now back to the story.

As he was explaining, Alastor appears right beside the couch next to Angel Dust and laughs with amusement. "Haha! Nere going to happen!" "Angel, I appreciate you wanting to use your special skills to, um, attract folks to the hotel, but I really don't want to exploit you in that way." "Oh, please, baby. This body was made to be exploited. I got the arms, I got the stamina, I got the legs. I got the lung capacity. (laughs). Oh, I got the legs. The gag reflex, the holes, the chest fluff everyone thinks are tits." I see Charlie had someone call her. I didn't want to know it is most likely Lucifer but all well. I go and sit at the bar and Husk makes me a red Wine, I nod and thank him. That was when Husk said "Why do you think I'm here?" everyone looks at Husk "You actually think I'd be cleaning bottles and listening to you fucks bitch and moan all the time if he wasn't forcing me?" then Niffy pops out from behind the bar "I like being forced" "keep that to yourself Niff" me and Husk say I just really that was when my phone started to call "hey kid someone name Devil is call on your phone there call about 3 times now" I just grab my phone and walked away.

I see Alastor was looking at me very suspiciously but I answered the phone "hey" I say "so are you on you way Y/n" I started pacing "yeah yeah I will be on my way sorry for making you wait" "sweetheart I love you know so you better come NOW or you know it will happen again" "yesyesyes I am moving now " I end the call and grab my bags but before I walked out Al stops me "where are you going" "Alastor I have to go I am sorry but I am sure you can work something out with everyone I have to" I walk passed him I feel like I just said the same thing to he like we were alive but I can't now I have to get to his place.

~Alastor POV~

He just left, hoping he is ok. I know she can look out for herself but just but that was when I saw Charlie singing and dancing telling us she is going to do something I am only watching not listening and then she is already going "That bitch is halfway down the street!" "Is she-" "Oh, she's dancin'!" really she can get herself killed one day all well.

~Y/n POV~

⚠️SA, Abuse⚠️

If you do not want to read this you can skip it I will tell you when it is save to came but I but and but the short of it is your Ex Husband from your time in the living world I will give you more after like what he looks like as I might not have time to drew you a pitcher today sorry ok this was your worrying chase to read if you want to.

I made it to his place I walked in but why am I here he has no power over me......right. I just walked in and next thing I know I was hit on the head and was on the floor and someone standing on me pushing me into the floor. "You think you can hide him me you fucking bitch" He picked me up and threw me on his bed "Elijah please" he made me look at him with his bright red eyes and he had sort black hair I didn't want to look anymore "OH you know this was coming you bitch I will make you all ways remember I have the power and that you will always be my FUCKING BITCH TILL I SAY YOU ARE DONE" he say as he takes off my outfit " no no NOOO" I ended up kicking him off me but.


He slapped and that was when my fear sit in and I started shaking "haha you REALLY THINK YOU WELL GET WAY NOT HAPPENING YOU MOTHERFUCKER" he made face the bed still taking everything off me and then I feel pain "AHHHHH" "Oh YES BITCH" I just blacked out the rest as I cried my eyes out why why me I can't do anything right.

~time skip when you get back~

The worrying is over here is a bit you need to like your Ex husband is named Elijah he has short black hair and has red eyes he had that when you two were alive as well but his is abused to you Alastor doesn't like him one bit and he didn't like him when you two were alive but I will say you will walk back in with bruises and your clothing are torn as well and Angel know about him plus he knows you ex boyfriend as well but back to the story.

I walk in and see everyone was looking at the Tv I walk to where Angel was sitting and asked "what is going on" with a bit of dried throat "oh well toots it is just that the extermination day is now six mouths but anyways how was-'' he looks at me I looked away from him "Shit toots" when he said that everyone looked at me and I can feel Al worried look I don't need to see it. "Ok you are coming with me so I can help you" Angel walked me to his room to help me get fixed up.

When we got there I walked in fist and fat nuggs see me and runs up to us "aww hi Nuggs" I picked him up and pat him I walked to Angel bed and he get the first added "damn toots he didn't hold back" "angel you know he doesn't but Angel we can't tell Al" as he walked back over to fix me up "toots he is your brother he has the right" "Angel if he know Elijah is here he will go crazy for him to kill he was the reason why I died" I looked down "sugar hey it will be ok and ok I will not tell your brother" there was a knock at the door Angel gets up and goes to it "oh Smiles what are you doing here" Al just walked passed him and walked to me with my new clothes in his hand "I am here for my brother" he help fished fixing me up and helps putting my new clothes on then picked me up "Goodnight Angel she is going to bed now" I give Angel Fat nuggs and Al carries me to my room.

Once we got to my room and puts me in to bed and tucks me in and set next to me play with my H/l hair "I know I want you to tell me what happened but just get some rest dear and I will ask you tomorrow after you rust up" He kiss my forehand and I smile and close my eyes to sleep.

That was then end I hope you like it and now please don't forget to vote the chapter before you leave thank you and I hope you can have a good night / day wherever you are byeeee

Words 1488

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