Chapter 24

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~Charlie POV~

I ended up looking around and all I can see are crystal everywhere “hello” I get up from the floor and walk around “is anyone there” I was getting really worried and I was not wanting where I was going and bumped in the wall I see myself and and I see i am sad then I hear someone laughing I was scared and tried look for the that laugher “where am I” and then “the caves beneath hell's castle this was once hold by greedy sinner who claim the gems that be found inside” he disappeared and came back on a nether wall “and now your prison” i see him with an evil grin so I run yelling “help help” I can hear him laughing “it's no use” he disappeared and was coming back on the crystal “no one can hear you and no one will ever look for you either”

“most people have forgotten that these caves even exist, which is way they are the ideal place to keep the ones who try to interfere with my plans hahaha” that was want I was getting ready worried and also if Alastor is mean then of course he is to “what plans” I looked and Y/n and he had this look of pity “the plains i have with your father of course” and now I am pissed off and I and made fire came from my hands “DON'T YOU DARE DO ANYTHING TO MY FATHER YOU, YOU MONSTER” “only why to stop me it is catch me hahahahaha” she was gone until “over here” and I fired my fire ball at him and I missed “nope, other here hahahaha” and I just keep firing at him until I made a big one at him and it broke the wall and I her.

~Y/n POV~

I heard the wall broke and I see someone pissed off “NOOOOOO WAIT” but that person didn't listen and tacked me down and was now on top of me I was scared and shaking “Please don't hurt me” I open my eyes to see who it is and it is Charlie “Charlie it's me please you have to believe me I've been impressed like you the Y/n who brought you down here was an imposter” “LIKELY STORY” she was pissed that was when I thought to try “I got the flower that can help use save your father” “yeah right I mean it can't be you you are just give me more lies” “please Charlie I am the real Y/n I meant your father he went but Luke” she look me “if you say who you are then there is one song you sang to me it was one that Alastor would sing to you” I look and her and smile.

“♪ I don't want to set the world on fire, I just want to sat a flame in your heart, in my heart I have what one desire and that one it you no other will do♪” I looked at Charlie and i see her smile and I can tell she was going cry “it is you” she run and hugged me “awww Charlie it is ok I am here now” look out to where the laughing was coming from but then I see a spark i help charlie yep and she look where I was looking “we have to get out of here” and she ran up a head “we have to shop him” I nod and I ran to the light and Charlie followed me.

This day Aria from My Little Pony

Fake Y/n: This day is going to be perfect. The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small. Everybody will gather 'round. All those armor loving male say "I look great in uniform". Whatthey don't know is that I have fooled them all

Y/n: This day was going to be perfect. The kind of day of which I've dreamed since I was small. But instead of having cake. With all my friends to celebrate. My wedding bells, they may not ring for me at all

Fake Y/n: I care not a thing about the ring. I won't partake in any cake. Vows, well, I'll be lying when I say. That through any kind of weather. I'll want us to be together. The truth is I don't care for him at all. No, I do not love the groom. For heart is dead inside. But I still want him to be all mine.

Y/n: We must escape before it's too late. Find a way to save the day. Hope, I'll be lying if I say. I don't fear that I may lose him. To one who wants to use him. Not care for love and cherish him each day. For I, oh, so love the groom. Oh in my heart he dose reside. Oh, Lucifer. I'll soon be bye your side

Fake Y/n: Finally the moment has arrived. For me to take a very, lucky, groom

Y/n: Oh, the wedding we won't make. He'll end up marrying a fake. Lucifer will be

Fake Y/n: Mine, all mine

“Ladies and Gentlemen we are gathered here today to witness the union of Y/n Hellfawn and Lucifer Morningstar”

(A/n I know we don't know Alastor last name so I went with Hellfawn i hope you all ok with this but back to the story)

I was look up and as I heard that I can feel myself going to cry “ we're never going to save him” “we will we just have to find-” I hear Charlie stop talking to see why “there” I see where Charlie was looking and I picked her up and flew us over to where she was looking and land us there but that was when we see three bridesmaids coming to us “your not going anywhere”.

~Alastor POV~

We had done it she will be be happy that was when Ozzie said “Y/n Hellfawn and Lucifer Morningstar it is my greatest pleasure to pronounce you-” “STOP” we look and see it is Charlie I AM FUCKING PISSED OFF.

~3nd POV~

You can hear all the chatter going on all of Charlie's friends are shacking there heads and Alastor and Husker are pissed off “grr why dose she have to be possessive of her father” Ozzie was shocked to see Y/n say that yes I know we are in hell but he has hear about Y/n from Lucifer and that was not some “why dose she have to ruin my special day” 


I was not letting him win this no I open the door and walk in “BECAUSE IT'S NOT YOUR SPECIAL DAY IT IS MINE” everyone was shocked and the same with Husker and Alastor “WHAT but how did you escape my bridesmaids” she said “wow not that hard I just need to throw a bouquet of flowers and they were gone” “clever but you're still too late” that was when Angel said something “I I don't understand how can there be two of them” “that is because Elijah he is a changeling he can take the form of somebody you love and gains power by feeling off there love for them” that was when he changed back to himself.

“Hahaha right as you alway are Y/n I mean I am not as shocked just really I was amazing to see you suffering i really” “what are you going to do Elijah” “oh y/n want to see just way but then man his Love for you is soooooo much stronger then his and Lilith was he does love you” I was pissed off but when I looked around I see some of my friends I see Scylla, Hermes and Aeolus I look way from them to not give them way but I don't know what happened everything went to back.

And that is the end of this chapter and I hope you all enjoy it and please don’t forget to vote and have a lovely night or day and I will see you in the next chapter or book byeeeeee.

Words: 1378

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