1.Pharora(Late night)

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Rora woke up, check her phone to see what time it was

23:45 pm

She wondered why pharita hasn't come back home yet, she normally would always come home at 9 or 10,but she was late today, she got, got one of pharitas hoodie, as it was raining heavily so she wanted to get a little warm, she stood up and went downstairs to make herself some coffee while waiting for pharita, just than while she was just making the coffee a thought pop up on her mind

What if pharita is hurt?

What if she got into and accident but they didn't told her?

What if he was struck by lightning because it was thunder storm?

She was now dead worried for her, she suddenly got impatient and couldn't stop thinking of what possible could happen to pharita, just while she was about to sit at the couch, she heard the bell ring, she peep outside hopeful to see pharita, but saw no one standing, she open the door and than pharita jump in front of her with  beautiful flowers on her hand"Hi!"she push the flowers in front of rora

"Rita you scared ne to death for a second" Rora says as she hits rita first before taking the flowers "where were you?" Ask rora after she looks at the flowers than back to pharita"just getting that flowers for you that i saw at the park when I was just taking a walk their"pharita replies with a sweet smile, she was expecting a positive replies from rora but instead she got a worried rora"your hands are bleeding as well as some scratches on you face,and your very wet"rora whisper after looking at the arm and her face"oh I might or might not have fallen on a water and on the bush while getting those"pharita replie, and she could hear rora chuckling and giggling"you babo, you fell on the water and the bush"rora says as she laughs a lot harder"it hurts you know"pharita says with a pouty lips, rora looks up at her, stop laughing instantly, and change with a worried face an voice "oh, come on I'll treat your wound" Rora says as she hold the flowers with one hand and pull pharita inside by the other hand, while rita close the door behind with her leg

Rora is now treating pharitas wound seriously while pahrita is just looking at her, rora looks up at her for a split second than focus back on what she was doing than giggle"why are you just staring at me?"ask rora while treating her wound"why not?, your just....so beautiful"pharita replies, which made rora a blushing mad"sweet talker"rora says as she finish up, and put on another cotton with the medicine and started wiping pharitas face were their was a big scratch"ouch"it hurted pharita"ouch"she kept saying ouch but rora didn't say a thing"ouch, ouch"

"If you had been more careful this wouldn't have happen" Rora says with a serious tone

"What can id o, I was careful it was just that, it was a little-, ouch!" Rora had push the cotton hard on pharitas face"oh sorry"rora says as she took the cotton away from her face and wipe it with a clean one"sorry"says rora again"now will my beautiful girlfriend lift her chin for me"pharita did what rora said and rora started doing the same thing on her chin"auuu~"pharita whince "just~, ok, I'm done" Rora says as she arrange the first aid kit, and put it aside just than pharita pull her on her laplap, and slowly kiss her, which rora return instantly, breaking the kiss pharita smile and kiss her all over the face

Rora giggled"I love you too, now let's go to bed and cuddle"they went to their bedroom and laid down

"Cuddles!" Pharita says and open her arms, rora laughs and hug her and rest her head on her chest she could hear her heart beat, it was....perfect"I love you"rora says

"I love you too" Pharita replies

The End

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