2.Rukasa(First kiss)

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Ruka and asa are childhood friends, they knew their feelings when they were in the 2 semester of high school, they go out together, have lunch together and spend time together at each other's house in the weekend, they did everything that lovers do except for one...Kissing on the lips, they were shy, they just give kisses to each other on the cheek, forehead and temple, but they never kiss on the lips, once when they almost did, someone interrupted them and they became awkward towards each other.

It was a school day, and they were taking class, ruka had a weird dream last night—that's how she says it is—asa and her were kissing, passionately, rula gulp at the thought, shake her head aggressively and try to get back to what the teacher was saying, but the image of the two of them kissing wouldn't just go away, she was spacing out, well the teacher was calling her, but she didn't heard a thing"Kawai ruka!!"the teacher shout making ruka get back to her sense"y-yes sir"ruka said stuttering "what was I saying just a while ago?" Ask Mr Joon"u-umm, I-i don't know sir"ruka replies

"Next time focus, I'll excuse you this time" Says Mr joon as he focus back to studing, and ruka also focus on he was saying and try to get herself thinking of the lesson rather than that

Ring, ring!!

The bell rang, it was time for lunch, and ruka was not hungry at all, she was not in the mood of eating, this morning she had an argument with her father about something, and she's not in the mood, although the dream she dreamt last night was more likely the reason she was not in the mood, it was also because of what happen between her and her father, just while she was just resting her head on the table, her friend came and scared her"Ruka!"shouts ahyeon which made ruka almost jump out of her seat"ahyeon you scared me!"ruka says as she hit her said friend"sorry, let's go now to have lunch, canny and the others are waiting for us"ahyeon says as she trys to pull rula up"I don't want to, I'm not in the mood and I'm not hungry"ruka says as she free herself from ahyeons hold and flop her head on the table again"why?, what happen?, is someone or something bothering you"ahyeon ask but ruka didn't answer"I'm telling asa unnie"ahyeon says as she runs out"wait, hey!"ruka runs after her,she doesn't want asa to know that she's having stress

She was late"asa unnie, ruka unnie is having stress"ahyeon says as soon as she reach asa, while breathing heavily "what?, what happen?" Ask asa to ruka, who just arrive behind ahyeon"umm, it's nothing no need to worry much"ruka says

"Nothing much?, tell me ruka" Asa says as she cross her arm"umm, I might, or might not have an argument with my father this morning"ruka says as she scratch the back of her head"what happen, why did you had an argument with your father?"ask asa again, worried about ruka"nothing much he"ruka sigh before continuing her word"he came home this early morning drunk and ah, I saw him about to slap mom but I stop him and it got me"ruka says as tears started to form on her eyes"oh, in sorry, ruka, I'm sorry for asking you, pls don't cry"asa says as she gives ruka the tightest and warmest hug"no it's ol you didn't knew anyway"ruka says as she hugs asa back"if you don't feel like eating than don't, I wouldn't eat to, I'll stay with you"asa ask and says to ruka, softly as she break the hug and look at her, rula nods her head with a slight smile, which asa returns and they both went out while holding hands

Outside the campus, they it under a tree while their hands are intertwined"how do you feel?"ask asa as she looks at the sky, it was clear and beautiful "I'm feeling fine I guess?" Ruka replies and asa chuckle

"Asa?" Calls ruka, and asa replies with a hum

"I also had a dream" Ruka says as she sits straight and looks at asa"what?"ask asa

"I dreamt of you and me" Ruka replies as she went near asa"w-what did you dream us both as"asa felt nervous for some reason

"Us kissing" Ruka says

"Under a tree, like this one" She adds, she leans closer and closer, and at last their lips touch for the first time, asas eyes we're tightly close as she felt rukas soft lips on hers, slowly she returns the kiss and they stayed like that for about 2 minutes, they pull out fully out of breath, ruka smile at her, and asa also smiles, ruka rested her forehead on asas, and they both giggle"that was perfect"asa says, and ruka laughs"it was, I guess"ruka replies

"I love you" Asa says

"I love you too, forever and ever" Ruka replies sweetly

The End

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