Rara(friends only?)| part 2

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Rami was staying at the practice room to get some space, the others had left several minutes ago, but she stay, she wanted some time alone, she had been ignoring rora for the past few weeks now, but still, the feeling doesn't seem to go away, she suddenly felt like crying, just than, she heard the doorknob unlock, she quickly wipe the single tear, she look at the door and saw asa,"hey rami, why are you still here?"she ask, "nothing, I just wanted to be alone" She replies, asa went towards her and sit down beside her"hey, rami, I can feel something is wrong with you the past few days, rora came to me one day, and told me you were avoiding her, whats wrong rami?, why are you ignoring her?"she ask, rami didn't knew how to answer her she just can't tell her the truth, but she couldn't think of a lie to tell her either, just than, someone came in"asa un-!, oh hey rami unnie"rora came in,she was about to call asa but than saw rami"what are both still doing here?"rora ask while going to them, and sitting beside rami on the other side"nothing, I came here because I forgot my phone but saw rami, and we were just talking"asa replies"rami unnie, what we're you doing here so long?"rora ask, rami was just about answer but rula came, and saw them"hey, guys, it's late now, what are you guys still doing here?"she ask, them, she look at rami and the saw the sadness in ram is eyes, she quickly understand the situation "well, if your not busy than, I need rami right now, rami, did you forgot we have to talk about your solo" Ruka suddenly said making asa, rami and rora the three shock, even rami was shock, than she saw rukas sweet smile, and she knew what rula was trying to do right away"oh, yeah yes"rami says stuttering, asa looks at her, with a grin"rami, your going to make a solo debut or something, really?"she ask, rami could only nod, she look up at ruka and saw her smile, that seemed like the eyes we're trying to say something "unnie, when are you planning to do so?" Rora beside her ask, amkong her startled "u-umm, soon, I gotta" She says as she went out, passing ruka, ruka also immediately went after her, rora sigh, asa looks over at her with sadness in her eyes"hey, rora, everything will be okay"she says to her as she pats her back"I don't get it, unnie, why is she ignoring me?"she ask, tears forming on her eyes, asa couldn't say anything, roea started crying, asa pulled her in a tight embrace, and they just stay like that for a few minutes, until rora calm down and they went back to the dorm

Meanwhile, ruka and rami went to rupha room, they sat down at ruka beds, "thank you unnie" Rami thank her ruka, who smile "your welcome rami" Ruka says, rami sigh"now, I think I have to think pf a cover"rukas excuse, was good but bad at the same time(not bad, but not good) she had to make a song now"soo, what song are you thinking of?"ruka ask, the lost in thoughts rami"I don't know"rami replies, she got up"I'll go to my room now unnie, thanks again, bye" Rami waves at ruka who waves back with a "bye" Rami went towards her room, while thinking of a song to sing, when she got their, she found rora, sitting on her bed, rami decided to just not talk to her and went to her bed, so she quietly walk past her"why are you ignoring me?"rora suddenly ask, startling rami, who looks at her"u-uh, h-huh?"rami couldn't speak at all, rora stands up and went to her"why the hell are you ignoring me?!!?"rora suddenly shout, tears falling down her cheeks"h-hey, rora, don't cry"rami says hands on the air, trying to tell rora to calm down"don't tell me to calm down, tell me what did I do to get this unnie?"she ask again, rami didn't says anything, rather she just stood silent on her spot"unnie, pls, I can't take this, unnie, at least tell me what's the problem?"rora ask again with dry tears now on her cheek"I'm sorry rora"rami says as she rans out, leaving rora broke down

Rami ran and went to the practice room, she lay down on the floor, and cried, she just stay crying, until shw decided to calm down and play a song,'stitches' Shawn Mendes

She cried and cried, when the song stop she played give me your forever, and just stay their, for hours, until she got tired and went to her room to sleep

The next day, she decided on which song she wanted to sing the song she listen last night 'stitches' by Shawn Mendes, she look up at the song, and learn it for a whole month

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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