3.Rara(Friends only?)

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Rami pov
Babymonster were practicing for like that, that they were going to shoot a dance performance for their fans, they were all so tired because they have been none stop practicing
they finally had a few minutes break, they all sat down some on the floors while the others were sitting at the bench, rami was laying down on the floor, than her gaze went to asa and rora, rora was resting her head on asa shoulder while asa rest her head on top, they were talking happily, laughing as well, rami just stare at them and rula notice she elbow her and rami look at her "hey what are you straring at?" She ask, rami shook her head as a no before saying"nothing unnie"than she a voice call her"rami unnie!"she look at where the voice came from it was rora"can you a company me to our room pls"she ask, rami mod her head and rora came towards "let's go than" She says rami got up and rora lock their arms, they went towards their room

When they reach their room, rora quickly went to search for something while rami just stand by the door, she stare at rora who was busy finding something, she knew she was falling in love with her more and more as time goes by, she sigh"hmm, is something wrong?"rora ask from the distance, stop finding and look at rami"no" she simple replies, rora shrugged and continue what she was doing, after minutes, asa suddenly came"hey rami, where's rora?"she ask rmai, rami point at the busy rora, who was still searching for something"hey rora!"asa calls and went to her, rora looks at her and she smile, they both chit chat, rami decided to go and leave the both, she didn't wanted to disturbed them, also she couldn't bear to see them both happy like that, it hurted her, while she was running back to the practice room, she bump into ruka,"hey rami,wait, what happen?"ruka ask rami, she could see tears in her eyes, rami looks up at her and force a smile"nothing unnie"she says, but ruka surely knew that she was lying "tell me rami what's wrong?" She ask again getting near her and caressing her cheek, smiling sweetly at her"unnie" that was the only thing that came out from her mouth before she burst into tears"shh, it's ok rami, I'm here" ruka says while patting her back, just than the other members came and they were shocked seeing a crying rami, they went to her and ask what's wrong but she won't answer them, they just stay and comfort her, just than asa and rora came just to see all the members comforting a crying rami, for the past few minutes now"unnie what's wrong?"rora ask, worried for rami, rami looks at her, but it just made her hurt even more, she buried her face at rukas neck and cried "rami-yah" Pharita pats her back lightly "rami stop crying pls" Ruka says to her as she comfort her, rami broke the hug and wipe her tears"I'm fine now, you all can go"rami says to them"but how can we leave you when your at this kind of condition, buts whats wrong rami,? really pls tell us"ahyeon ask and says to her, worried that the always cheerful,energetic and joyful person of their group is suddenly like this, crying her heart out"I'm fine, really"rami says"I'm going to my bed, I'm tired"she adds as she turns back to go to her room"ok, we'll just stop the practice here, tomorrow we'll start the practice again"ruka says, they all nod and rami went to her room, the others looks at each other before going to their own rooms, rora also went to her and rami shared room, when she went in she found rami on her bed"unnie?"she calls her but no answers, she sigh, she decided to went to the bathroom and took a quick half bath

When rora finish her half bath, she found rami sitting at her bed, facing the ground, she went to sit beside her"hey unnie, how are you feeling?" She ask her but no answers from her,rora cup her face and made her look at her"pls unnie, tell me what's wrong?"she ask again, rami just look down"fine, don't tell me"rora says as she let go of ram is cheeks, and cross her arms"I'm sorry, rora I can't just tell you, it's been really hard for me you know"rami finally spoke, roras face soften"oh, unnie, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have ask"she says

"No it's ok rora, actually, can i sleep beside you today, I really need someone right now, but if your not okay wi-" She was cut off when rora put her index finger on her lip to stop her from talking"yes unnie, you can"she says with a sweet smile"thanks rora"rami returns the smile, than rami decided to take a quick bath, rora nods and rami went to the bathroom to take a bath

When rami came out from the bathroom, she saw rora on her phone"hey rora, I'll just go and talk to ruka unnie, I'll be back"she says, rora looks up at her and nods before saying"ok unnie, I guess if I can I'll wait for you"than back to her phone "no it's ok, if you you can sleep" She says before opening the door"I'm off"she than close the door and went towards ruka and pharitas room, while walking, she saw asa coming out of her room"hey rami, is rora at her bed?"she ask as soon as she spot rami"yes, she's still awake if you want to know"she says again, asa thanks her, and went to rami and roras room, rami suddenly thought of something, what if rora and asa likes each other? , she always thought that every single time of the day, she's sure as also not sure if asa and rora likes each other, nor if rora likes asa, she suddenly felt like crying, she ran to ruka and pharitas room, where she found them on their bunk-bed, pharita on top while ruka at the bottom, they were chatting, ruka felt ram is presence, she looks up at her and saw she was on the verge to cry"hey rami what's wrong?"ruka ask while sitting up, rami just stand their, until ruka gester her to come and sit beside her, whens she did, she just burst out crying, ruka quickly pull her in a tight embrace "hey sweet heart, what's wrong?" She ask but rami just cry, pharita also came down, ruka looks at her, and pharita gave her a questioning look but ruka shook her head as a 'no', pharita sigh"hey rami, you know if you want you can talk to me and ruka unnie, we're always here, if you need us"pharita says to her"she's right rami we're always here for you"ruka pats her back, and just let her cry on her shoulder, pharita on the other hand is just watching them, she really wants to know why the so cheerful, energetic, joyful and comedian type of person like her, is suddenly like this, she wants to know the truth behind ramis tears

After a few minutes, rami finally stopped crying"unnie"that was the first word which came out of her mouth"yes?"ruka looks at the younger who's looking down, still tears visible on her eyes"do you think it's wrong for me to like her?"she ask, ruka and pharita both gave a questioning looks, than pharita looks at her"who?"she ask taking a deep breath, and trying not to let her tears fall again, rami spoke

"I-i have been feeling this for so long now, from the first time i saw her, I could feel a rush inside me, it was a love at first sight, she's the only one I could think of all day long, I sometimes couldn't sleep because of how much I think about her unnie, but thinking that she might like another person, hurts hard here unnie"she says as she points at her heart than stop "who are you talking about rami?" Ruka ask

"Rora" Both pharita and rukas eyes widen, they never thought that rami would ever like rora"w-wait, are you serious?"ruka ask, rami could only nod"wow, i-"she was speechless as well as how much pharita was"but, I think I should try to stop this feeling, unnie, it just hurts me more, seeing her with asa unnie, and the both being so happy with each just hurts unnie"she says as she finally let her tears fall again, ruka and pharitas gaze soften "hey rami, you okay, pls don't cry" Pharita says as she sits beside her, they both comfort her in silence

After the talking with her unniez, rami decided to ignore rora, she did everything to ignore her, ruka and pharita understand her and they also support and stay by her side no matter what, only leaving the younger when they were told to, but still rami could feel that the feelings were only growing more and more, but she had to, because if she doesn't the feelings will increase more than now

Hey guys, miss me?, I'm sorry for the slow update I still couldn't even update on my rorasa book, I'm really sorry about that, but I'll try to come back soon, so pls wait for me, I have a story so wait, and this was part one part two will be by sunday or monday, so wait, and I hope you enjoy this, see next time, for now bye!!

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