Experiment 13: Zinc, Save Me!!

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At the lab, Makura is tinkering with the Zinc ElemenTube. Tachibana walks in and sees this. He isn't appalled, in fact, he wants to be proud. But as of right now, he's more confused than anything else.

"Makura-kouhai," Tachibana begins. "What exactly are you doing?"

"Take a look at this," Makura replies. Tachibana comes a little closer, seeing a little crack in the tube. "Now, why is that there?"

"I know that we don't like to depend on guesswork, but...my best guess is that the Zinc ElemenTube has some unstable power inside it. Hence the crack in the frame. However, there's something else." He brings out the Hydrogen ElemenTube. "Look at the essence of Hydrogen that you have trapped inside the tube."

"What about it? It's just sitting there."

"Exactly. But look back at Zinc." Tachibana does so. As he looks closely, he notices that the Zinc essence trapped inside the tube constantly moves and changes. "You said that you wanted to make this tube stronger, right? So, maybe, instead of keeping the essence bottled up in one singular tube..."

"I keep it bottled up in two."

"And that is why you're the boss, Tachibana-sempai. Always quick to the pickup." Makura opens a page on the central computer. On this page are blueprints, giving possible designs for these twin Tubes. 

"But something I don't fully understand: why not just use a bigger tube?"

"I considered that. But, as I said before, it's too unstable. If you leave it in just one, singular tube, no matter how big or small..." he pulls up a simulation of a tube with the Zinc essence inside of it. The tube in this particular simulation eventually began to crack, until ultimately shattering apart entirely. "Essentially, Zinc is too strong to have it all kept in one place. There needs to be some separation, otherwise you won't be able to properly contain it."

Tachibana looked at him with a smirk on his face, indeed proud of his disciple. "You figured this all out, huh? I gotta say, Makura, I'm impressed. Two tubes it is, then. Let's take a look at some of these designs you drew up." 

Meanwhile, at the office, Jungle and Rage are sitting in the meeting room. Rage is staring down at his superior. 

"A lot has changed since you've been here," Rage begins. "In particular, a lot has gone wrong. An employee gone rogue, a Zaku turned into a force of nature...what exactly is your deal?"

"If you're going to accuse me of espionage..." Jungle stands up, staring into Rage's soul," Then you had better say it outright. More than that, you better have some way to prove it. As far as I can see, Intelligence leaving. Calm becoming Chaos? That's all a mere coincidence. You've got no way of honestly proving that I was involved in any of it."

"Maybe not...but I know a rat when I smell one. Somehow, you're behind all of this, and I will not rest until I find you out." Jungle pulls out a green bullet.

"Zou Charge!!!" The JungleTrigger exclaims.

"Zou horn." He aims the JungleTrigger at Rage, firing at him. An elephant's scream can be heard as Rage is planted against the wall of the meeting room. Jungle slowly walks towards him. "Listen closely, you imbecile..." he places the Trigger against Rage's stomach. "If you think for one second..." He blasts and destroys the window, pointing it back at Rage. "ONE. SECOND. That I, Jungle, YOUR superior in EVERY WAY iMAGINable, am somehow responsible for this branch of our company falling apart, PIECE BY PIECE, Player By Player..." He brings his face up to Rage's ear. "You might be even dumber than what your two coworkers had told me."

"Oh? And what about Ichido Kikuchi?"

"You mind repeating that?" He blasts a hole through the wall right next to Rage's head. "I DIDN'T QUITE UNDERSTAND YOU!!! So, go ahead and say that..." He blasts another hole on the opposite side of Rage's head. "ONE! MORE. Time." Rage looks at him, not at all frightened, but somehow seething with an even higher form of rage.

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