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Neptune: Hey guys

Venus: U CAN SPELL???

Uranus: he got auto correct

Venus: ohh

Earth: hey mars can i hang out w u??

Mars: yep sure

Earth: thanks

Venus: .

Earth: oo is venus jelly lmao

Venus: NO?

Earth: if ur that jelly i can not hang out with mars and u can instead??

Venus: what..

In DMs:

Venus: thanks ig

Earth: sooo u are jelly?

Venus: nope

i wanna hang out w mars

Earth: suprise suprise

Venus: its surprise idiot

Earth: shutup

Venus: no

In gc:

Saturn: GUYS

Mercury: what

Saturn: I have an announcement

to make sure everyone is here say i if ur here

Uranus: i

Neptune: i 🥶

Mars: i

Mercury: i

Venus: i

Earth: i

Mercury: where's jupiter??

Saturn: he's part of the announcement..

Me and him are dating..

Mars: ik

Mercury: ik

Neptune: ik

Uranus: ik

Venus: ik

Earth: ik

Saturn: wha...how???

Jupiter: we were kinda obvious ngl saturn

Saturn: oh

Anywayss wanna hang out jupi 😊

Jupiter: ofc <3

Venus: u two make me sick

Saturn: ur just jealous that mars hasn't confessed his love for u yet!! 😡

Venus: uh no??

we arent even gay 💀

Earth: sure buddy..

Venus: WE ARE NOT!!

Mars: I am.

Mercury: lmao

Venus: well IM NOT

Earth: its okay venus

admitting ur gay is smth u shouldnt be ashamed of!!

Venus: die


Mercury: tf now??

Neptune 🟦🚁

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