Crowning of Fire Lord Zuko: Kyra

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It's been a month since Aang took down Ozai. Since then we have been preparing for the crowning of the New Fire Lord. Zuko has been on edge about the whole thing. I just keep encouraging him, which seems to calm him down. The ceremony is today and everyone is rushing around getting things set up....

"Katara! Can you make me some ice statues of Zuko please?" I say smiling at her. She giggles, "Of course, Queen Kyra." I give her a smirk, "I'm not even engaged Katara!" She rushes to the main entrance and starts to create the statues. "Sokka! Quit eating!" He looks up from his meal, "What? I'm taste testing!" Toph hit him in the head, "Listen to the boss meathead." I smile, "Thanks Toph, oh and could you make me some earth statues?" She smiles and rubs her hands, "Of course your Ladyship!" She runs over and starts to make her earth statues. Suki runs up to me, "Your dress is ready! Oh and Aang needs your help." I smile and head towards Aang's room. I knock on the door and enter, "Aang what's the-" Aang has got his ceremony outfit all messed up. He turns to me and groans, "How in the world do you put this on?" I giggle and fix him. He looks in the mirror and smiles, "Thanks Kyra." I smile and go over to his dresser and grab Gyasto necklace. I walk over to him and place it on him, "I feel like you should wear a piece of home." He smiles and hugs me tight. "Kyra I am glad I have gotten to meet you finally. With you I have been able to conquer my fears and be who I am truly meant to be. You been a wonderful sister, an encouraging Guide, and a true friend." I pull away, "Thanks Aang, I gotta go get dressed." He smiles at me as I leave.

I enter my room and there are four servants there to help me. I smile at them, "All I need help with is my makeup." They smiled at me, "Yes Queen Kyra." I walked over to the dress that I had delivered from Ember Island. It was the dress Zuko pulled out for me when we were there. I smiled and got undressed. I slipped in the dress and shoes. I turned and walked to my mirror. I put my hair up in a half up bun and put my bangs to the side showing off my arrow tattoo. I tied the golden ribbon in my hair and smiled at myself, "On second thought I don't want to wear makeup you guys can go and enjoy the evening." They all smiled and bowed to me. They left as I went over to my dresser and grabbed the ruby bracelet. I put it on and smiled. I heard a knock at my door and saw a guard, "Yes?" He bowed, "Prince Zuko needs some help getting ready." I smiled and followed him. When we reached the court yard I got rather confused, "This isn't his quarters?" He bowed smiling and left me. I walked over to the pond with the turtle ducks. I watched them play with each other, "Kyra?" I turned to see Zuko fully dressed in his Fire Lord attire holding one rose. I blushed and smiled, "Yes Zuko?" He walked up to me and knelt down on one knee, "Kyra, I love you and I want to spend as long as I can with you... So will you do the honor of marrying me?" I smile blushing, "Of course I will Zuko." He smiled and stood. He kissed me passionately. He pulled away and gave me the flower, "For you.."

 I held it and saw something sparkle in the middle I pulled it out and saw a Water Tribe betrothal necklace, "Oh Zuko." He smiled, "You always said the Northern Water Tribe was your home." I smiled and looked down at it. It was red and was made of stone. It had the air symbol on it. I realized it was all of the elements. He helped me put it around my neck, "Do you like it?" I giggle, "Zuko I love it." We were smiling at each other as the same guard approached, "Prince Zuko.. It's time." I smiled at him and I put my hand around his bicep. We followed the guard to the exit, "This is where you will meet the people Lord Zuko." He smiled and left us. Aang came up beside me, "Zuko I guess you enter first and then Kyra and me." I smile at Zuko and release my hand from his bicep. I go around Aang to where Aang is in the middle of us. "Aang, I want to thank you." Aang looked up at him, "Why?" Zuko smiled at Aang, "Aang you have taught me that no one can restore my honor. The only person that can restore my honor is me. You have saved me Aang." Zuko put his hand on Aang's shoulder. Then from outside the curtain, "Now presenting your soon to be Fire Lord, Prince Zuko!" Zuko sighs and enters out through the curtains. Aang grabs my hand and looks at me, "Hey is that a betrothal necklace on around your neck?" I smile and squeeze his hand, "Yes it is." We both smile. 

Then we hear Zuko say, "I wouldn't have been able to be here today without the Avatar and the Avatar's Guide." We both enter through the curtains and face thousands of people. I smile and wave with my free hand. I look to my left and see Zuko kneel down. The lead Fire Sage grabs the yellow fire blade head piece. He sticks it into Zuko's bun, "I now present to you Fire Lord Zuko!" Everyone claps and cheers as Zuko stands, "As the new Fire Lord I now announce the end of the 100 year war!" He then looks to me and nods for me to come to him, I smile and do so. He grabs my hand, "I also announce that Kyra the Avatar Guide and I are engaged!" The cheering got even louder. I smiled and leaned my head onto his shoulder. After the ceremony all of our close friends came to the engagement party. Everyone was eating and enjoying a good time. Zuko and I were sitting on the main platform eating, "Zuko do you want kids?" I abruptly say. He turns to me shocked as he chokes on his noodles, "Yeah I think I do." I smile, "Well we need to get married soon then sweetheart." He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "How about in four days?" I smiled, "Fine with me." I went to grab my cup, I dropped it when I saw the White Lotus enter into the hall. "Zuko.." He then turned to see what I was looking at, "Oh my.. Kyra wait.." He tried to grab me but I quickly stood and went around the table. The whole room went silent. 

I watched as Tao and two other leaders who were behind him come in front of me, "Hello... Queen Kyra." I smirked, "Hello Tao... What are you doing here? I am sure it is not to congratulate me on my engagement." He smiled, "We know you are getting married so we wanted to pay a visit to pay our respects." I could feel the lies coming from his mouth, "Your lying Tao.." He sighed, "Well Kyra, you know that we must first remind you of your encasement date. Which is in one year and six months." I gave him a scowl, "So what? I already new that." He chuckled, "Also about the children you might think of having and your husband.." He waved at Zuko and Zuko gave him a scowl. "What about them?" He moved his eyes back to me, "You know you must leave them and when you see them again they will be much older than you.." I sighed and turned to Zuko. "I know the consequences of my choices Tao.." I whispered. Tao chuckled, "Stupid girl.." He turned and stormed out of the palace with the two leaders at his heels. Zuko came up behind me and rubbed my shoulders. "You okay?" I looked at him, "Yes I'm ok.."

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